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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Devo has been responsible for 90% of my voting decisions since 1990. The other 10% was Madonna. I'm glad to see these two line up on this one as it was going to be a tough call down the stretch here.
  2. I knew you'd like him. I was wondering if this would be the first thread in VC history where everyone agreed on something. So, you think Tina Fey is not so funny and Frank Caliendo is talented? Perfect.
  3. Great thread, Bjorn. I thought his radio version of the John Madden imitation was mildy amusing 3 or 4 years ago. Otherwise, I agree that he is one of the more irritating "comedians" around. Hell, I'd throw most of the cast of MadTv in that 'punch in the face' category as well.
  4. Isn't it true? She is essentially condoning her teenage daughter get married to save political face. Even if she is morally obligated to feel they need to get married, it's an absurd idea. SNL is just pointing out what is absurd. I thought that was one of the funnier moments...along with "I practiced a couple of zingers where I call you Joe".
  5. I was waiting for "I'm John McCain and I approve this message"
  6. Unreal...What a loose set. This guy continues to amaze me. Is he collaborating with Tbone on something? I hadn't heard anything about that.
  7. I went to game 3 of the White Sox/TB series. The place was absolutely electric. Great game. Danks is awesome and the Sox won without hitting a single home run. Looking forward to today. edit: for those that saw the game, how about Griffey tagging from 1st to 2nd on a routine pop-out to center. I was shocked.
  8. Happy B-day Flick! Hope this is the bestest one ever...despite falling on a Monday.
  9. Much luck to you... I can't understand why anyone does it but I respect those that do. Let us know how you do.
  10. this season is bringing us all together. I don't want that black cloud over Chicago. I'll be damned if the Rays don't look good though. Sox need to pull this out tonight.
  11. And this is where I slowly back away and head over to the "Now Playing" thread.
  12. My point was that nobody expected that the Bush presidency would have been 1/4 as scary and awful as it has been in 1999. Now, I understand that people may have different views on how awful and dangerous it has been.
  13. One thing that frightens me a bit is the parallels that she has with GWB. Remember pre-9/11 when GWB was a bumbling dickhead? It wasn't until post-9/11 that he became a dangerous, bumbling dickhead setting the country back 50 years and devaluing the dollar by spending money like a drunken sailor.
  14. Millions of Americans would argue "yes" to that. Let's give her a shot! She sounds awesome.
  15. yes, but the "millions of americans" being referenced above don't understand that. There are people that still believe that GWB is a regular Joe 6-pack.
  16. This couldn't be more true. I haven't talked to my Mom yet but I'm sure she thought Palin was great.
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