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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. You weren't asking me...but my answer? Drift to the center.
  2. I was going to post earlier and say that you were awesome. I enjoy your voice and think you are a better guitarist than Mark Spencer. Could you get rid of all that space junk though?
  3. I'm sure that they'll spin this...."the terrorists are using reverse psychology on us"
  4. that was great stuff.... "real americans"
  5. I haven't seen very positive reviews of this album. I think it's great. Vic Chestnutt/Elf Power - Dark Developments
  6. Wow... I hadn't heard anything about this. Interested to see if he shows up in Chicago. This guy needs to come out of hibernation.
  7. I'm independent with a mild lean to the left.
  8. Nothing like some valuable 'insight' from Pat Buchanan. Wow.
  9. I did... I thought I needed to spend more time with it but you just saved me some time!
  10. Either way is fine. I just need to know!!
  11. Jeff should login sometime and just tell us if we should believe in God or something. This is really frustrating.
  12. Jeff should login sometime and just tell us out and out who we should like and dislike. I hate all this grey area. Maybe pin a thread or something?
  13. He will be fiscally conservative as compared to the previous 8 years. However, the economy needs fiscal responsibility. Yes, I believe that he will deliver on this. Not even sure what that means.
  14. Hope it's a great one! Grab a box of fine wine and enjoy!
  15. one could make the argument that this thread is no longer about Wilco.
  16. I saw and was going to post this. Great news... however, Illinois is clearly an Obama state already.
  17. Never has the term "calm down" ever been more suffice. "my opponent"... ha
  18. I think that is a totally separate issue. Putting aside the fact that I don't believe that he is truly religious for a second.... religion has no place in government. That is what people took issue with. I can give a rat's fuck what religion a President is or isn't. Talking about having conversations with God and being pointed in the right direction is what I have seen people take issue with as it pertains to religion and GWB.
  19. Important to note that I love ketchup on Tots and Fries.
  20. Toughest poll on VC ever. I went with mashed despite the fact that chips are what I eat most frequently. Fries are simply awesome as well. Tots? All mind-blowing stuff. Looking forward to Thanksgiving.
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