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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Why do white people dance funny? What's up with that?
  2. Lilli Schull is a pretty sad song. It's by a band named Uncle Tupelo. Some of you may have heard of them.
  3. yea, shocked I hadn't heard of them. A buddy from St. Paul just sent me the link. I picked up their first album this morning. Really liking it. I was going to try and head up to see them in Dec with Lucero but airfare makes it too difficult to justify flying up for a night. I'm sure they'll hit the road shortly if they are releasing a new album.
  4. I'm enjoying the hell out of the new album. Pretty solid effort to my ears. Also don't understand all the haterade around Magick.
  5. The Evening Rig myspace link good stuff Solace - you heard these guys? From your neck of the woods.
  6. I like 'em both. Look forward to picking this one up.
  7. ooh... is this out there or are you on the myspace page? I like the cover art as well. Sort of fits in with the sound of the songs that I have heard thus far.
  8. "raise a toast to st joe strummer think he might've been our only decent teacher" "These kids at the shows will have kids of their own And these sing-a-long songs will be our scriptures" "She's hard on the heart and she's soft to the touch she gets migraine headaches when she does it too much she always does it too much"
  9. Nice review bobbob. Not loud enough, huh? I don't think I have ever heard anything like that about a Truckers show. They are getting old though. I'm pumped to see them next week. Judging by the set list, and the collaborations, should be a pretty decent little evening.
  10. My wife captured my reaction and I figured I would share as I'm a part of the world:
  11. All good suggestions. I would recommend Live at Town Hall with strings. Covers a good deal of ground and content from the albums mentioned. Quite a piece of work.
  12. You don't think people are pissed at how the last 8 years went? Or, do you think the last 8 years went well?
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