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Everything posted by owhatevernevermind

  1. good thing they did that VW thingl, otherwise they'd be at 94 right now.
  2. I think it is the Barney Kessel, (The big red Gibson,) but if you find Guitar World Acoustic, from a month or two ago, he talks about what guitars he used for the album.
  3. Compared to the last two albums, SBS seems more like a collection of songs than an album. And for some reason, "Walkin" has really started to annoy me, and the "sigh for the seed" has started to remind me of Joe Cocker.
  4. And who chooses the music they listen to by watching television commercials? Is this a significant demographic?
  5. I'm seriously scratching my brain so . . . hmm. . . They haven't done a hip-hop booty video yet?
  6. I love the thing where people say, if you don't like the commercials, you don't have to see them, like we should dive under the couch when the commercials come on. Any information which in any way is displeasing should be ignored. Sleep peacefully America, and don't let the facts disquiet your nightmares.
  7. Wow, debuted four spots higher than A Ghost is Born and #67 after a month? Couldn't have done that without Volkswagen.
  8. I just realized, that where is says out of tune, that is not your screen name. I've never done chats before, and probably won't after this. The commercial thing hit me in an emotional way. This is probably not all that interesting, but I bought YHF the day our carrier left for deployment, sort of listened to it, but didn't really get into it until I was driving away from the Navy. It captured that feeling of freedom and lostness, and since then I've been through some seriously rocky shit and almost ended up homeless or dead a couple of times and Wilco was the background music for that peri
  9. If you turn to CBS real quick, you can see John Mellecamp doing a stirring rendition of "This is our Country" again!
  10. I'm sorry, I was trying to be funny. That's usually a mistake on my part. If I remember right, you started the original sell-out thread didn't you? How has your thoughts on the subject evolved? I'm starting to sort of understand where he was coming from. Everything was going good, the music was working, the fans are all saying how much they love you on Facebook. Then the VW guys come around with a slick presentation about synergy and merging market and what-not, and you know VW can afford way better marketing guys than Wilco can. Tweedy starts thinking, we're geniuses, we're cutting ed
  11. When I saw the towing guy commercial, I was sort of like, well I guess Wilco's gotta do what they gotta do. When I saw the the Sun will shine on my shiny new convertible I was too outraged to pay attention. And when I saw the Sky Blue Sky commercial, it was if somebody tore my heart out and a black haze descended upon me . . . The Key was the only one I could pay attention to and I find it just weirdly disquieting and awkard. You know I seriously believe the commercial's creators had some sort directive that said something like "our target audience responds well to simulated violence and ne
  12. Dammit, my connection went out for awhile . . . On CBS, John Mellencamp just did a stirring 4th of July rendition of "This is our County." I wanted to give a heads up. Talk about a 4 star sell-out. Sorry about not mentioning the Axe thing guy. I know that I'm going to make an ass out of myself saying this, but the only time I ever use it is when I think there's a reasonable chance I might meet a woman. Not to say I believe it will work, but for $3 a can it's worth a shot . .
  13. I just do not see how the key commercial is humorous. Unless it's a sort of joke saying people who drive volkswagens are so stupid they will attack the parking valet. Or they are such low-life trash they don't understand the concept. I'm not sure that's what VWs getting at. And the most tragic thing on a personal level, is that up until this January I had a t-shirt that said FUKINGRUVEN instead of FARFIGNUGEN on it with something that looked like the VW emblem. That would be cool shit to wear to a Wilco concert now.
  14. I know it sounded pretty ridiculous when I said Tweedy was responsible for all the evil in the world, but I'm very comfortable with the statement that "marketers" are very much responsible for the War in Iraq. You can blame it all on Bush if you want, but he needed someone to manipulate the message, to market his position. They didn't use dumb commercials to market their product, but that doesn't mean they didn't market it. When the Nazis and Soviets did it, they called it propaganda, but I guess we like to call it staying on message. As far as whether the marketing thing is a "war" or not
  15. I think the one aimed at women was the Sky Blue Sky one going to the wedding in a convertible or something like that. You are not giving marketers enough credit; they have armies of psychologists, anthropologists, and focus groups studying demographics trying to figure out who we are and what we are selling. Obviously this is speculation, but I would bet the commercials were not chosen for their humor per se, but how that humor relates to the psychology of the target audience. And I'm not sure the masses can handle it, they got led by the nose easy enough into the Iraq war, whcih is actuall
  16. I am too, although in all honesty, I do tend to get a bit lazy with it. However, I get the feeling we are almost on agreement on something fundamental concerning the Wilco commercials. Because what Wilco is doing is helping to define the usefulness of Volkswagens to the masses. . . Wilco is adding a veneer of credibility to what is basically a very absurd message. I'm sure you've read my interpretation of the "key" commercial or at least seen itl, imagine a stripped-down, minimalist presentation of this production, what if you simply stated without any fancy colors or theme songs, "this c
  17. First, I should say you know way more than I do about critical theories, so hopefully, I won't sound too stupid in my reply. I would say you're coming from a critical perspective, where as I'm coming from a metaphysical perspective. First, if we judge the nature of song solely as a musical phenomenon, we already prune away the reality which is not pleasing to us, in order to judge the phenomenon as would best suit our images. By selling the ads to Volkswagen, Wilco has increased the the reality (I know that's the wrong terminology, but can't think of the right one right off hand, ) of the
  18. Really intelligent discussion on this thread, I think. There is an important difference between realizing no interepretation of the text can be a perfect representation of the truth and the belief that all interpretations of the texts are equally valid, since is there no objective truth of the text. If we accept the second option, no qualitative judgements of truth are possible. However, some ordering, some valuation of data is necessary as a fact of life and communication. Under what conditions are these decided upon? Think of it in terms of Mill's "Marketplace of free ideas." Although he
  19. You know, another thing, people have been saying on here you're free to intrepret songs anyway you want to, that is actually sort of the post-modern way of doing things and we let it go as if it's God's own truth. Wouldn't it be more correct to say, there are interpretations with a greater or lesser degree of validity, or that a certain intrepretation is valid given the lack of credible evidence to the contrary? I may be "free" to intrepret my credit card bill as neo-gothic poetry, but wouldn't an intrepetation of that text as a reminder to send money be a more credible interpretation? Give
  20. Who, Dylan? the last album was kind of iffy, the seventies stuff kind of came and went, he's sort of a voice from the past in a way, but, yah, I'm a fan, If you're talking about the Victoria Secrets thing, my position would be when you're 65 and you're offered a chance to pose with lingerie models for money, you take it. It's sheer biology.
  21. Actually, no, Fergie got a free concert for her fans out of another deal with cell phones, or something. As far as I know, we're still stuck paying for Wilco concerts.
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