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Everything posted by yltfan

  1. Yeah, I should have looked there--but every time I have tried to trade with those etree listers, it's a big pain... Anyway, I have my AUD recording, my friend has the SBD--matrix coming soon, hopefully!
  2. Does this show circulate? I'm looking for a nice audience recording for a little project... 1. Ashes Of American Flags 2. War On War 3. Hell Is Chrome 4. Muzzle Of Bees 5. Hummingbird 6. Company In My Back 7. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 8. Handshake Drugs 9. A Shot In The Arm 10. At Least That's What You Said 11. Jesus, Etc. 12. Theologians 13. I'm The Man Who Loves You 14. Poor Places 15. Reservations 16. Spiders (Kidsmoke) Encore 1: 17. Cars Can't Escape 18. Via Chicago 19. Heavy Metal Drummer 20. I'm A Wheel Encore 2: 21. The La
  3. I don't think so. The first two nights definitely were NOT filmed.
  4. Just to respond here, it's going to take a lot more for me to feel frustrated enough to stop sharing. I don't mind criticism, especially if it's constructive. And I do like feedback on my recordings, as I'm always trying to make them sound better. I think all of the feedback here has been fine. Some people prefer straight soundboard tapes, and that's fine. People disagree about all kinds of things--it's only when people starting attacking each other that it gets problematic. The only time I came close to changing my mind on sharing a recording was when people started getting real nasty, dema
  5. For anyone who still cares about this discussion, there are some pretty cool samples that compare SBD vs matrix on this Dime post: http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=191274 Check out Sample 3 for the SBD and Matrix comparison: Sample_3 This sample gives you a comparison of the SBD and the Matrix and how the Matrix helps bring Jerry Garcia back into the mix. You'll hear a 15 second clip of the SBD, followed by a 15 second of the Matrix. 15 seconds SBD, 15 seconds Matrix and so on. Note how Garcia enters into the mix at approx +3db over the SBD.
  6. I should have mentioned that he is not on this board, has not read all the comments, including your disclaimers. I'll admit that he comes off a bit gruff on this, but I thought that his comments were relevant, so I dropped them in here. Like him, I get a bit defensive on this stuff. We put of lot of effort into this, from getting to the show way early and arguing with security guards, investing money into the equipment, spending lots of time transferring and editing recordings, getting them up online, etc. It's a hassle, so even the politest of feedback is likely to inspire some snappiness.
  7. The guy who did this mix (and does great work on lots of my recordings) sent me some comments, and encouraged me to share them. Here's what he has to say: "You don
  8. There are different mixes available from the SBD, but most patches are the same as what comes out of the speakers. But often that sounds terrible, since it's missing the sound coming off of the stage. I have some SBD tapes that have NO guitars, the guitar amp was not even mic'ed at this one Menomena show. One time, the SBD was ONLY for the vocals (Akron/Family). Those laptops (including Wilco's) are usually pretty loud in the SBD mix, since they mostly are not going through an amp on stage. Granted, these were at smaller clubs, but even in larger rooms, most of the SBD tapes I have are too hea
  9. OK, with all this discussion, I decided to go listen to the matrix and the straight SBD side-by-side, see what some of the differences are. The main thing is the guitars--they were a little low in the mix, adding the AUD sources brought them out a bit. It also evened out the vocals, which are a little overwhelming in the SBD tape. In terms of the crowd noise, there is some present in the SBD tape, more comes thru with the AUD, but I don't think it's overwhelming. Listening to them side by side, I prefer the matrix--the mix is better, the sound is both warmer and brighter, I can pick out each i
  10. I can see how that could happen--but the flipside is that it's possible to get the best of both worlds. I'm sure I would screw it up, but the guy that did this mix (and lots of more of my recordings) knows what he is doing. You can get the crispness of the SBD, some of the room sounds, a little bit of crowd noise, and it can sound just right. I definitely think that this mix sounds better than the straight soundboard. Another reason that I will only share a matrix of both sources is because that's what the band wants--they agree that a matrix will usually sound better. That's what I have bee
  11. I think there are several reasons to mix in the audience, or ambient recording. One is to add in the sound of the room--a little of the crowd, but also the warmer sounding acoustics of the room. It's important to realize that live sound is mixed for the room, not the tape. Often, there will be little or no guitar mixed in, depending on how loud the amps are on stage. Sometimes, soundboard tapes will be all vocals. Professional live recordings are usually done with high-end multi-track recorders, so you can boost the guitar, cut the vocals, whatever. My recording was just a straight output of t
  12. Sorry about the converting problems! For me, Trader's Little Helper worked with the the files as is, no need to rename.
  13. I'm hoping to get a Night 1 matrix together--but don't hold your breath. Almost 200 seeders right now at Dime--go get it!
  14. It's up at Dime: http://www.dimeadozen.org/torrents-details.php?id=187454 I'm happy to be able to share this--I think it sounds amazing, maybe even better than the FM broadcast. Wilco February 16, 2008 Riviera, Chicago IL USA Recorded by yltfan and Jerry Eaglebarger *a thir13en blend* Source 1: SBD>iRiver h140 Recorded by yltfan Source 2: Nakamichi cm300's>iRiver h120 Recorded by yltfan Source 3: Earthworks SR77's > Lunatec V3 (@ 48kHz) > Microtrack 24/96 (24 Bit) Transfer: CompactFlash > HD > DVD > HD > Sound Forge 9.0c (24 bit tracking) (fades in on t01
  15. I'll take that bet! They were not doing multitrack recording the two nights I was there, and two of the other three nights were broadcast. I suspect that truck was there for the XRT broadcast. The shows are all recorded by the band, but they were having technical problems the two nights I was there. Neither Ken nor Stan (Wilco's archivist and sound tech) said anything about an official release. I have other info to back this up, but that is all I can say at this point. But it's nice to dream...
  16. I hate to be a big downer here, but I'm really quite certain that it's not going to happen. Trust me on this. But folks should be happy that two of the shows were broadcast, and all of them were taped by fans.
  17. I might be into making this trade--pm sent.
  18. I am pretty certain there will be no official dvd. There were no video crews the first two nights, and the folks I talked to from the live crew said nothing about any video. They do record all of the audio, but were having some issues with that. Apart from the XRT broadcast, there is no indication there will be any official release of any of it. Oh, and what the hell are people doing standing out in the cold for hours? There's really no reason, unless you absolutely need to be in the front row of the floor or the balcony. I got there right as doors were opening both nights, and did just fine
  19. I was just listening again to the shred-a-thon during Hoodoo Voodoo--it's completely nuts! I never thought of Woody Guthrie stuff as speed metal...
  20. Dime usually deletes a few accounts everyday--keep trying, you'll get in. Lots of good stuff there, including the SBD/AUD matrix from Oregon last summer that I helped tape. I bet most of the rest of these shows will go up there as well, so keep on trying. Nice work getting your tape up there so fast, Analog--you doing any other shows? I taped the first two, but need to head home tonight (unless I get snowed in--one can dream, no?)
  21. Yeah--nice show! And my tape sounds great. I think the whole thing will be well documented, probably 3 or 4 tapers every night. What about when Jeff was doing that "last night's crowd was better" thing? Hilarious! Tonight was great, but I think last night blew me away a bit more...probably had something to do with all the repeats tonight.
  22. Yes, my tape sounds quite good, we were in a good spot. Hopefully, we can be there again tonight. Thanks to Jerry for letting me clamp on! My only complaint was the loud screamer just behind and to the left--she's all over my tape, and I suspect everyone else's. Oh well. I was tempted to say something, but think that's kinds uncool. The highlight for me was hearing Nels play some of the older stuff--his lap steel action on Airway was amazing! Can't wait for tonight!
  23. there were several tapers there...my tape (all three hours!) sounds nice...fortunately, we were able to set up a little closer than the usual taper section...only issue is the all the screaming!
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