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Posts posted by poppydawn

  1. I will fight you.





    You think that is screwed up...I am 2 weeks post final exams and still can't go to sleep until about 3:00 AM. And I have class at 8 AM....quite the recipe for disaster.


    You're gonna pull the wrong teeth, aren't you?


    Well that can happen..but you are going to have to buy a refrigerated shadow box to keep it at the right temperature to make it last a long time aren't you? Maybe we can make you one of those


    Slim Jims are forever.

  2. dayum that sounds like a rockin good time!


    And that's why I'm going! :dancing


    What happens if someone gets "the trots" while on a horse? That's like, pun-potential overload!


    I'm sure we'll find out before that weekend's over, what with all the beer, soft-shelled crabs, and horse-jostling. I'll give a full report.

  3. The motorcycle country image is really solidified by all of the hanging baskets of flowers.


    Bikers like pretty.


    poppy will you be sans clara for the weekend?


    I'll be sans Clara Jane and Brian that weekend. :dancing Just a bunch of city girls, riding horses, getting drunk, and poisoning the mosquitoes with their bloodstreams.


    Well since Maggie and him are practically engaged I bet she can make anything happen for you


    I want an autographed Slim Jim.

  4. are any of these friends people that have sent you cake at any time in the past few years? If not I think we win...or I will send you a cake....or maybe I'll bring you a cake...the train is always fun to ride on....


    One of them gave me about $100 worth of goodies from Teavana for my birthday and another did free portraits of Clara Jane for her fourth birthday. They kinda win this time around.


    Besides, Nels never gave me no damn cake. Not even a Slim Jim.

  5. And why is it so important you go and get eaten by mosquitos....and not come see US and drink bourbon and help me have a proper drinking education...and also hear Maggie talk more..and most importantly see NELS


    Well, I actually have other friends who are expecting me to join them in the woods for my heavy drinking that weekend. And I'm not missing my chance to go to the Root Beer Saloon.

  6. Ahem.


    Ahem, your invitation is implied. Duh.


    Allison, if Ted and I aren't doing anything that day we might hit up the Nels show. Think you can handle a night of Makers and Ted? I'm having LRS party flashbacks to the last time I mixed Ted and VC.


    This makes me want to ditch my weekend in the woods.


    A little bourbon primer:


    Good -



    Will make your innards outtards:



    Some lessons are learned the hard way.

  7. I like tequila but encourage bourbon, especially since I have a Kentucky puppy (NAPE NAPE NAPE!! Jack is from Kentucky!)


    Kentucky Puppy - I'm so making that a pervy euphemism next time I talk to my friend Marybeth, who's originally from Lexington!


    yes (kim is right though, it is your throat). to ease it you can order it with ginger ale.


    Or beer.


    I'm surprised I made it through the whole trip without doing a shot with someone. I usually stick with beer, but I enjoy a shot once in awhile.


    Coming to Kentucky next spring? ;)

  8. My sleep cycle is still screwed up. Last night around 12:15 I was suddenly wide awake, and after a little while I finally realized it was because I was waiting for an encore.


    And I thought my sleep patterns were screwed up! I just want to stay up until 3:30 AM every morning and sleep until 10 like I did the days of the shows.




    Tweedy: Please put your shirt back on sir....




    Tweedy: ....no you don't have too.


    Tweedy: That's the kind of enthusiasm that will be rewarded in the afterlife.


    Back into: CASINO QUEEEEEN...


    YES!!!! :yay :yay :yay Best pictures EVER!


    I had a great view of this guy. We had to be sitting near each other.


    I love the body language of the woman on his left.

  10. and with the gas prices going up they are thinking about trying to make the streets more bike/pedestrian friendly to encourage that more.


    'bout damn time!


    I'd love to be able to bike my kid to school next fall. It's just far enough to be a long walk for a 4-year-old, but not far enough to drive. I've been paying attention to the route and even though we live in quiet little neighborhood it's just not quite bike-friendly enough. I'm going to try to figure out alternate routes.

  11. I think he came out with my favorite line from the whole weekend: "Oh man, I forgot my Depends. I love watching Wilco and peeing at the same time. It's awesome!" :lol


    Holy crap, I forgot about that! :rotfl



    Yeah, sorry for the quiet thing. I mean no disrespect at all, it takes me along time to feel comfortable around people I don't know.


    In that case, I'm even more delighted that you introduced yourself to me this time. :cheekkiss


    I think you all are teh awesome concert buddies. :wub M. Chris is truly a calming force too! :love


    Next time, can we assign her to chaparone Meat?

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