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Posts posted by poppydawn

  1. It's a deal! :thumbup I don't think I can replicate your original idea, but I've got a few others.


    Oh! Send pictures of the ... individual components. You know I have connections who can offer suggestions. I can pass around the pictures in advance and get some expert opinions.

  2. well I am making your lil girl something that is actually a nice cream color.......I hope I don't mess it up, like the other project I was working on for you. I haven't given up on the other mess up though.....well, not yet.


    Bring that other thing with you next time you're in town. I'll fix it.

  3. Considering that the 'Stone has two girls, she knows of which she speaks.


    I would have loved to have had the time and energy to pilfer through clothes so that I could avoid pink. Fact is, time and money and energy are a premium with a little one. There were plenty of days when I put my kid in the frilly pink shit that Aunt Soandso gifted us because that's all that was clean.

  4. My Aunt Nancy used to shape the meatloaf like a roast pig with an apple in its mouth, with a snout and ears, and raisins for the eyes.


    I'm disturbed by the raisins, which will probably piss off advocates of meat and raisin combos.


    I once made a meatloaf shaped by a house, just because someone got to my website by doing a search for "meatloaf shaped like a house". It was structurally unsound, but delicious.

  5. Sorry my being an advocate is upsetting to you.


    Something tells me that the guy with the tattooed face can probably take care of himself. I doubt if he needs to be protected - or even gives a rat's ass - about one individual's opinion. But thanks for looking out for the little guy! :thumbup


    Why do you hate skin, JUDE?

  6. Goodie for him. I still think face tattoos look idiotic unless you're Maori. And this is from someone with visible tattoos who often sports candy-colored hair and has no plans to work in the confines of "normal" society.


    Carly's sleeve is absolutely beautiful.


    Weren't we talking about some TV show instead of defending the honor of tattoo-faced individuals?

  7. I've always LOVED watching Jack's Big Music Show with my nieces, but it became cemented as a favorite with the episode that featured Andrew Bird... :wub


    Between that and the Jon Stewart Groundhog Day episode, I will always love Jack. :) The Cheryl Hines-as-Dogwasher-Sudsy-Bubblestein cracks me up, because it always makes me think of this (which is really, really NSFW or kids!).


    I saw Andrew Bird in concert right after his episode aired. Every hipster mom in town was there, swooning and yelling for "Dr. Stringz".


    Speaking of Jack's Big Music Show, my daughter loves the episode with the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players. I keep meaning to introduce her to more of their stuff.

  8. The B-Rox were a great way to wake up on a Saturday morning! I'm sorry I didn't see your earlier post until tonight. I was standing about 5 yards in front of the stage by the mic stand. The number of toddlers there was crazy but cool! The sound was really good and the tape sounds great! I'm still looking for the tape from their Thanksgiving weekend show at Off Broadway, it's around here somewhere. I just remembered that I caught them opening for Lucinda a few years ago...I need to look for that too! Unfortunately I won't be able to make their Anniversary show at Blueberry Hill in two weeks, though I have a good excuse since I'll still be in New Orleans during the second weekend of Jazz Fest. Would you like a copy of the show?


    B-Rox + pulled pork for breakfast is pretty awesome! :thumbup


    I'd love a copy! Thanks!


    I couldn't talk my daughter into going up by the stage; she's a little shy. She spent most of the time on my husband's shoulders a little off to the side. I was probably standing right behind you.


    We took pictures. Mostly of the kid, rocking it up. :) Oh, this is a proud day in this mother's life!


    I always miss the Thanksgiving and Christmas shows since we're never in town. I'm really hoping we can make it to the anniversary show, especially after seeing how tight they were today. Jazz Fest is a fine excuse for not going, though.

  9. We had a great time at Euclid in St. Louis! I bought the new Breeders single on vinyl. CDs purchased were "Velocity of Sound" by Apples in Stereo, "Draw Breath" by The Nels Cline Singers, and "Zoysia" by the Bottle Rockets, which I somehow neglected to get when it was released two years ago.


    Speaking of which, their in-store performance was a lot of fun. I was amazed by how much of th audience consisted of other parents who, like me, were bringing their kids out for their first live music experiences. I talked to Brian Henneman, the lead singer, before their performance about the proliferation of second-generation Bottle Rockets fans. They took a lot of requests from the little ones, who made quite a pit in front of the stage.


    He poked some fun at Jeff Tweedy before playing "I'll Be Coming Around". There's a little two-note riff in the song that Jeff added/suggested while they were recording. As Brian put it, "This was when he was Jeff Tweedy, not JEFF TWEEDY. I can't afford to pay him for two-note riffs anymore."


    Evidence that the band and its followers have caused themselves much brain damage over the years: he forgot the second verse of "Thousand Dollar Car" and no one in the crowd could remember it. I'd just listened to the song on the way to the store and couldn't conjure it up. Someone finally looked it up online.


    It was really great to see such an awesome record store jam-packed with people who love music. I think this might be my new favorite holiday. And I haven't even gone through my big bag of freebies!

  10. What's the name of this album?


    EDIT: Never mind. I found it. The Johnny Cash Children's Album Real creative title!


    That would be the one. :)


    I'm interested in checking out "Mom Says No!" by Asylum Street Spankers. They get on my nerves as an adult band, but they might be able to pull off some great kids stuff.


    My daughter listened to bits of Woody Guthrie's "Songs to Grow on for Mother and Child", and lost her mind. She really loved it, so it's on our short list of stuff to get.


    We took her to see an in-store performance by the Bottle Rockets today, which had a huge turn-out of hipster parents. It was a lot of fun, and all the kids seemed to have a blast. I hadn't thought of taking her to in-stores before this, but I'll definitely do it again. It's a great way to get kids exposed to live music outside the club/concert venue atmosphere.

  11. We're going to the Bottle Rockets in-store at Euclid. Can't wait! I haven't seen them in ages. My four-year-old loves them, and this will be her first "show". She's so excited. P Dub, if you see a haggered mom with an over-excited blonde girl singing "Radar Gun" at the top of her lungs, come say hello.


    Hadn't heard about the New Pornos at VV. I might have to ditch the rest of my family and head that way, too.


    Sam, wish I'd had a chance to visit you at Laurie's when I was in town!

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