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Posts posted by poppydawn

  1. What you aren't offering camping on your lawn or a bed and breakfast accomodation in your home? lol


    Of course that's an option! :) As long as you don't mind dogs, cats, and unruly children. My yard's small, but I doubt if the church across the street would mind if we set up a shantytown in their parking lot. :thumbup

  2. I'm totally going to do that! I'll probably post a Myspace bulletin or something and tell all my friends to do it also! My favorite part was when he would send Trolley to the Make-Believe neighborhood.


    I'm using Wear a Sweater for Mr. Rogers Day as a motivator to finish the sweater I've been knitting for my daughter since October.


    Lady Elaine was freaky. She needs to see a dermatologist or something about her face.



    I always used to get confused by the resemblance between Lady Elaine and this:


  3. I had pretty much the same exact situation. I remember the box looked ancient, even back then. We used to see how high we could chuck them, just for the hell of it. If those were around today some toy maker would be testifying in front of a House panel and 5,000 kids would have died. Were we all just insanely lucky or are today's kids just accident prone?


    I think today's kids are coddled a lot more than we were, and therefore less prepared to handle potentially dangerous situations. I'm pretty sure my four-year-old lacks the skills to dodge a sharpened metal spike falling from the sky, but when I was her age ... you dodge or you die!

  4. I once got chased by a slightly beyond pissed off truck driver for lodging a few of those in the door of his truck. We rigged them to shoot out of a crossbow.


    I'm going to refrain from telling my husband about this because if I do, he'll be PMing you for instructions.


    My grandparents had a set of Jarts. I remember playing with them with my cousins. I couldn't have been older than 11, which means my cousins would have been six and three.

  5. hey, I've been there! did you drink Pabst Blue Ribbon in a can?


    Several gallons worth over the course of two nights. That's why we look so relaxed.


    Elixir Sue and the Dude got to see me drink three cans in very rapid succession after last week's Wilco show. I vaguely recall making some comment that they should make bottled water that tastes like PBR because I'd drink it all the time.


    Here's a photo of me from last summer that further displays my love of horrible beer (and German pork products):



    I am nothing but style and klass.

  6. 100_2043.jpg


    Love!!! And yes, I still have my Little People who look like those. My daughter plays with them when we visit my parents.




    speaking of books......I loved all of the Ramona and Henry Huggins books. To this day, they remind me of warm summer nights, laying around in my cotton PJs and hearing the crickets and toads outside. :wub I would stay up late late finishing them.


    Me too. :) I can't wait for Clara Jane to be old enough to get into the Beverly Clearey books, just so I have an excuse to reread them.

  7. i have a miniature stove - probably from the early 1900's - that sits on my coffee table; i got it helping my mom clean out my great aunt's home after she died last summer. it's from belleville, illinois, where my great uncle worked on the railroad. :)


    I would love to see that!


    Upon further thought, a few old things in my house: the Duncan-Pfiff couch in my living room was made in 1917. It was the first "real" furniture I bought, from a friend of mine who bought it at auction and kept it for a few years. I also have a 1932 edition of the Fanny Farmer cookbook.


    I hit an estate sale in my neighborhood today. I know none of the stuff I bought qualifies as the oldest in my house, but it was cool nonetheless: a 1950s tablecloth, a china poppy-print platter (I collect them) and a honey pot shaped like a beehive, in blue.

  8. The house itself was built in 1928. Does that count? I've got a dog who's almost that old in dog-years.


    Otherwise, I've got quite a few of my grandmother and great-grandmother's table linens and cookbooks, some that go back to the late 1920s. I've picked up Victorian-era stuff at antique shops that I don't have an exact age on.


    I love old stuff.

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