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Everything posted by ction

  1. Adults in the fictional Texas town of Dillon don't seem to have any issues with getting romantically involved with high school kids. Which kinda seems odd.
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/17/us/17surnames.html I am not in the top 1000.
  3. The guy who started Chipotle is actually Hitler's grandson.* I hope you all keep that in mind when you do whatever it is you hippy people do at Chipotle. * Ok, I made that up. I like Outback a lot though. "the humble vegetarian"
  4. Age may have little to do with intelligence, but it sure does influence knowledge and experience.
  5. I just remembered a story about this song and how me and 'walrus was listening to it as we pedaled one of them paddle boats around the lake on a july 4th weekend. Except it may have been a random wednesday in my mom's bathtub and he was actually doing something completely different with his feet. when i get real close to total recall though i start to smell a mix of almonds and vick's vapo rub, and the next thing i know i wake up in a pool of my own blood and other things.
  6. He's just creating work for the humble carpenter.
  7. I don't think this thread was ever really about Sigur Ros...
  8. Do you even know what point you're arguing anymore?
  9. I miss you. And the way we used to go for ice cream and finish each other's sentences and shit.
  10. Did you type that post on your company cell phone? I bet your favorite baseball player is Curt Schilling.
  11. The Sox only need a 3B for one more year, anyway. By 2009, their top AA prospect Trip Potter should be ready to be their everyday guy. In fact, some scouts think he'll be starting by September of 2008.
  12. My kids want to see Surf's Up...I might rent it for them this weekend. Madagascar was AWESOME, you stick in the scrooge.
  13. Lowell already has a deal with the Angels. 101 out of 100 on a being done scale.
  14. Thank god the Yankees didn't have to break up their dynasty.
  15. Season 2 of FNL is to Season 1 of FNL as Sammy Hagar-era Van Halen is to David Lee Roth-era Van Halen.
  16. http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMo...L30882220071030
  17. You are ok in my book, you know that? Of course, my book has pictures of how babies are made.
  18. Only the good die young.
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