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Everything posted by ction

  1. "Didn't everyone from Stamford quit right away?" "No, I fired them, and you're next!"
  2. I even liked her in the goofy "teenagers stranded in the woods being stalked by crazy people" movie.
  3. They should have never moved the show out of Vancouver in the first place. That was the beginning of the end.
  4. That's probably my favorite Misfits song. That or "Hybrid Moments".
  5. It's Halloween, you should be listening to the Misfits today. Seriously. Glenn Danzig may be a joke now, but he wrote some amazing songs in the late 70's/early 80's. Might I suggest some Walk Among Us, or perhaps Static Age? P.S. Here's a picture of the Misfits in their WAU-era "heyday": It's funny, they would probably draw a thousand people per show (maybe more) if they toured now, but probably routinely played to less than 50 back then.
  6. It's an homage to My Two Dads.
  7. I don't know what Kansas has to do with those two annoying Mexican characters. P.S. I'm also getting kinda tired of 1600's Hiro.
  8. I'm pretty sure Honduras is part of Mexico.
  9. I'm officially sick of the Mexican wonder twins now.
  10. So they should subscribe to Hustler and stock porn DVDs in the multimedia section?
  11. Def Leppard has a few good songs.
  12. I like Coco (the guy can play some outfield), but with Ellsbury looking like he's ready to be an every-day starter, I guess he's the odd man out.
  13. Why not just make A-Rod the new Cubs owner?
  14. I guess it was a good move if Boras and A-Rod have just decided to stop caring at all about how he is perceived by the public. I guess being incredibly wealthy is enough for them, and they don't care about anything else.
  15. Congrats to Boras/A-Rod for having the class to wait until after the World Series to announce that they were opting out of the current contract. As a Red Sox fan, I don't want him on the team. But if they signed him, I would hope it would be as their new SS, with Lowell coming back at 3B for 2 more years. Ultimately, though, I hope A-Rod ends up losing money on this move...although I'm sure someone will cough up the $.
  16. That's the part of the song that bugs the shit out of me.
  17. Mach 3, pre-shower. I've found that a day's worth of oil buildup on my face, plus shaving cream, makes for the best shave. After the shower is ok, and is actualy probably smoother, but I usually get small cuts on my neck/chin(s). I also try to shave only 3 times a week, because I don't really enjoy doing it and I'm lazy.
  18. The correct term is "pictures", superfan.
  19. If you are a fan of Bob and his bands, get this. Now. A really great show from the 9:30 club with an AWESOME backing band. Songs from Husker Du through Sugar (he plays a lot of Copper Blue) plus his solo albums. Really, really good stuff.
  20. Same thing happened with Katrina. And it was annoying then too.
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