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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. I love Harry Nilsson! "Without You" is one of the best love songs ever made and Mariah Carey ruined it. When I was a teenager, I discovered my mom's 45s and she had "Without You". I listened to it all the time. She thought I was strange (I also listened to Metallica at the time). I still have the 45 (and my mom doesn't know I have it, so shhhhh).


    Although, I think he is much more known for being a "songwriter" and not a "singer" i could be wrong about that.


    Ironically, "Without You" is actually a Badfinger song.

  2. i still love the story about how he bet a reporter he could jab his hand 5 times before he said knockout. he got the reporter to stick up his hand and ali said, "say it". so, he said it. and ali stood there and said "wanna see it again?"


    my friend and i always argue over who would win in a boxing match, bruce lee or muhammad ali, both in their prime. i still say bruce.


    Strictly boxing? With all the rules thereof?


    But a street fight.. Lee for sure.

  3. http://www.myspace.com/themazemilwaukee



    if your in the milwaukee area, we're always looking for bands to play with so please add us and send us a message. The calender in short now, but we tend to play alot, well, kinda wherever they'll let us:) so let's hook up and make some noise!!!!!!


    I live in the Chicago area, but given ehough notice I can probably schedule something up your way.

    Wish that I could offer an exchange, but I'm playing solo/acoustic these days and really not gigging much.

    Still, if you like what you hear from me...?



    PS - I like the tunes!

  4. Nilsson Schmilsson was one my parents listened to when I was a toddler in the early '70's. I bought it on a whim in my early 20's and was blown away. As a kid I loved coconut & jump into the fire, but as an adult the 1st 4 songs are all time classics to me: Gotta get up, driving along, early in the morning (blues cover, i think), the moonbeam song. gorgeous.


    I have a ton of Nilsson on vinyl now that I listen to regularly. I am not a big fan of Pussycats, always sounded like it was more fun to make than to listen to.


    Don't forget the Popeye movie soundtrackfrom the 80's, it's a little tough to listen to, but you can still hear Harry's gorgeous melodies even when sung by Shelley Duvall & Robin Williams!


    "Gotta Get Up"

    Does it or does it not sound like Spoon?

    I say: does.


  5. Everyone is going to vote in their own best interests (or one would hope that they would).

    If that were, in fact, the case, then the result would be a choice that would serve the interests of the greater good.


    Unfortunately, there are too many people out there who have been fooled into voting for candidates that actually serve against what it is that their constituants need. We all can be (and have been) swayed by the cult of personality, which is why it's so difficult to choose the candidate that would be best for (IMO) the country.

  6. Aside from his awesome musical skills, the fact that he did an episode of the kid's show, "Jack's Big Music Show" makes all the hipster moms swoon.





    Sure. It's here.



    I'm surprised that I have about 70% of that.

    That is an amazing collection, though. I wanna have the rest!

  7. Watching the Dems. debate over the weekend, I was surprised at how impressed I was with Bill Richardson.


    I really like Hillary, but think that the GOP hates her so much that she would never be able to build any sort of bi-partisan support for... anything, really. No matter how good the idea, and how great the plan.


    I like Obama. A lot. But I think that he'll need some good folks in the Oval Office with him, at least for the first little while, until he gets his feet wet and gets rolling. He can be a great president. Some day. There's just a BIG mess to clean up. And I just hope that he's ready for it.


    Edwards has a great message, but has struck me as something of a slimy hypocrite. However sincere he may actually be. Ain't gonna work for me.


    Richardson just came of as a steady ship in the middle of a storm. Not terribly exciting, but smart, and ready to lead. Has some great ideas and great experience.


    All in all, I think that it will be Obama (not a bad choice, by any means), and Richardson will hopefully be in the Oval Office, either as VP, or in a cabinet post. (I think that his foreign policy experience would make him an excellent Sec. of State.)


    EDIT: And, for the record, there are a couple of GOP candidates that are okay, too. Anything is better than this.

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