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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. I didn't actually make it on the show, I guess. But they are taking some of my audition video, combining it with footage they took at my restaurant, and airing a spotlight piece this Friday on Channel 5 (NBC) 6 PM news here in Chicago.


    I'd much rather be on the actual show.

    Oh well.

    Still... Chicagoans, tune in to see me talk about Uncle Bub's in Westmont.


    Oh, and after the spot airs, it'll be available for streaming at the Channel 5 site.

    I'll post the actual link when it's upped, if any of y'all are interested.

  2. It's a Johnny Cash-style country murder ballad.

    "C'mon Angel"


    We recorded and mixed this thing in just an hour or so. Didn't turn out bad for such a short stint. I think I'm gonna use this guy for a couple of tunes on the next record, but this is just a demo.


    Still, I'm pretty happy with it for what it is.

    I really wanted to approximate a mono, Sun Records mid-50's kinda sound. And I think that, for a digital 1-hr. recording, we did okay with that. Too clean, of course, but not bad.


    Hope you listen and like.

    Thanks for indulging me.

  3. HUGE Shrimp Boat fan, here.

    And I just got word (in my email) that their ENTIRE back catalog has been reissued by:




    Plus, if you like what you hear on those discs, they also issued a 3-disc box set of unreleased stuff that is, for somebody like me, absolutely essential and a complete joy! I think that collection is still readily available through all the usual outlets, but the reissues are big news for me.


    I just picked up Daylight Savings/Some Biscuit and have now completed the entire Shrimp Boat discography.


    Also, AUM is reissuing the first Falstaff album too. It's pretty awesome -- the other (non-Sam) half of SB.


    And no, I do NOT work for Aum Fidelity. Steven has just been a really solid businessman and very responsive and cool. I like supporting the little guy.

  4. Reading the lyrics to "Oh, Comely" I actually got chills.

    And a little choked up.


    Whoever said that it was a window into somebody's private dreams nailed it. The lyrics make no sense on a surface level, yet the emotional resonance they have is (for me) infinate. Combined with Jeff's voice, which is beautiful in it's purity, if not in a traditional way, does make for a harrowing experience.


    It's as visceral as music gets.


    And that is all the college student-type music critic words that I will use today.

  5. I actually don't like this record at all. Ordinarily I'm on the same page as the critical community when it comes to indie-folk stuff, but I just don't see anything here that's even remotely remarkable, try as I might. Mangum's performances on the disc are unexceptional - there are lots of shrieky off-key vocals and there's nothing remarkable or terribly emotive in terms of the music, at least not to my ear. The songwriting has always seemed scattershot and maybe even adolescent to me; it seems to suggest depth where I can't see that any exists. I find it frustrating that so many artists and listeners whose opinions I respect regard Aeroplane so highly, but at least somebody's getting something out of it.


    You're just one of a vocal minority in the indie community who feel that way. You're not alone.

    And, that's fine.

    As one who is completely movied by this record, I do feel badly for you. But then, I suppose that you have an album that you feel this way about that I would find completely unremarkable, as well.


    To each their own.

  6. I had On Avery Island a year or so before Aeroplane came out.

    Avery Island was already one of my favorite albums at that time and, to be frank, I thought it was superior to its follow-up. Over the years, that has changed. Actually, it took about a year for that to change. The second album is a more completely realized document, as a whole. Although nothing quite reaches the heights of "Song Against Sex".

    I did see the band (twice) and they did not disappoint. For some of us it has never been the mystique. We're the ones who created the mystique, I guess.

    Every bit of praise heaped upon this band is deserved. Just clicks with some and not with others, I guess.

  7. The other Television albums are "Adventure" from 1978 and their self-titled reunion album from the early '90s. Both are good records, but are not as good as Marquee Moon. EVERYONE seems to agree on that. They also have a live double album called "Blow Up". I haven't heard it, other than one or two tunes, but it's supposed to be good.


    I don't detect any obvious influence from Talking Heads, but I'm sure they influenced each other in some way since they were part of the same supposedly tight-knit scene.



    Oh yeah, THE BLOW UP!!!

    That is a phenominal record, that would be at least as good as Marquee Moon, if not for the disgraceful, bootleg sound quality. I mean, it's listenable, but just barely.

    The version of "Little Johnny Jewel" that's on there is totally explosive.

    I just have my old cassette (or, rather, had it... I lost it), so I need to pick up the CD reissue, which only came out a couple of years ago. But I think that's even out of print already.

  8. i've read and evern seen this album in stores over the years and finally listened to the clips on Amazon - it sounded great! next time i see it, i'll pick it up.


    i wonder if early Talking Heads was an influence on them?


    also, i don't know if it's mentioned in reviews for Franz Ferdinand albums, but Television seems to have a huge influence on them.


    how are the rest of the Television albums?

    all i ever hear about is Marquee Moon.


    A: They were contemporaries of Talking Heads, so I imagine the influence was probably mutual.

    B: The other (2) Television albums are good, but not as good as MM. Still, if you like the first, they are difinately worth checking out.

  9. your doctor will lose to dick durbin.

    Without a doubt.



    I'm not stumping for him here. I am a lifelong Democrat and, despite the fact that he is a great guy, I will not vote for him. I just don't agree with his stands on some things, and on others he states his position too vaugely for me to make up my mind one way or another. Also, "Libeal", to me, still means "forward thinking" and "open-minded". Those are good things, by the way.

  10. He won the nomination last night and will be running against Dick Durbin.



    I am not, nor have I ever been a Republican, but as I know the man, and like him quite a bit, I am going to give him a chance. Looking at his web site, he appears to be pretty moderate. But he's still using the "Liberal" namecalling language which I find horribly distasteful.


    He's had his hand up my ass, and now he's looking to do it to all of us!!!


    That's just odd.

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