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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. Mine changes pretty much daily, but for now (in no particular order):


    Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

    Beatles - Revolver

    Wire - Pink Flag

    John Cale - Paris, 1919

    Brian Eno - Another Green Day

    Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

    Tom Z

  2. I got Speckeled Egg on reissue as well....


    I have found the other regularly released albums over the years.




    "Speckled Egg"?

    You referring to "Speckly"?


    Yeah, I grabbed that, too when AUM reissued it.


    I think that with the new reissues that I mentioned in the first post in this thread, that my SB collection (minus the offshoot bands) is now complete. I do need to pick up a few more TSAC records as well as the second Falstaff record. I am such a freak about them and I take a lot of crap about that at another board where I post.


    Oh well.


    Louie: You know about The Flavor Channel? Another Chicago band that you may like.

  3. My wife is so cool.

    We both agreed on:

    "You're the One For Me"

    by Jonathan Richman

    If you didn't want me you shouldn't have been born

    That started all the trouble now the damage been done

    You never should have been born

    Cuz now you're the one for me


    And if you didn't want me to follow you around

    You never should have showed up around my town

    You never should have come to town

    Cuz now you're the one for me


    And it's too late cuz now you're stuck with me

    Better give up, it's me you choose

    I say "ha ha ha ha, it's me, you lose."

    It's to late cuz now my minds is set

    You better give up because i won't forget

    That could never never be

    Well you're the one for me

    Oh baby, oh honey

    Well it's too late

    You're the one for me


    If you didn't want me you shouldn't have been born

    And we never should have met that morn

    We never should have met

    Cuz now you're the one for me


    And if you didn't want me to want you this way

    Well you never should have seen my rock n roll band play

    You never should have seen the lovers play

    Cuz now you're the one for me.


    And it's too late cuz now you're stuck with me

    Better give up, it's me you choose

    I say "ha ha ha ha, it's me, you lose."

    It's to late cuz now my minds is set

    You better give up because i won't forget

    That could never never be

    Well you're the one for me

    Oh babe, oh honey

    It's just too late

    You're the one for me

    You're the one for me

    You're the one, you're the one

    You're the one, it's too late

    You're the one


    How about you?

  4. My 6- and 8-year-old boys were walking around all weekend; one would ask:

    "Are we not men?"

    The other would reply:

    "We are DEVO!!!"


    I'm either raising them very, very right, or very, very wrong.


    So much better than the general public gives them credit for.

    And yeah, they do belong in the HOF.

  5. The Wonderful, Horrible Life Of Leni Riefenstahl


    Ms. Riefenstahl created 2 of the most artistically important films in history, that just happened to be Nazi propaganda — Triumph Of the Will and Olympiad. An examination of the life and politics of a true artist with questionable motives. It's a 4-hour documentary that is nonetheless immenently watchable (with an intermission). Includes interviews with a 92-year-old Leni, herself.


    Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without a Face)


    A creepy, creepy B&W horror film from the early 60's that is shockingly grisly for the time. But mostly, it's creepy and very effective. About a surgeon who was driven mad when his precious daughter was horribly disfigured in an accident. But I'll leave it there, as the movie is better that way.



    -let's hear yours

  6. A couple of more-recent classics:


    The Iron Giant

    Yeah, they're "kids'" movies, but they're also amazing films.


    And, for something COMPLETLY different:



    Now, I'm off to make an "Unseen Classics" thread, for recommendations of films that most have probably not seen. And I am looking forward to seeing your recs. and descriptions.

  7. Man, I can't wait to get my hands on some of that. I'm a Sam Prekop/Sea And Cake devotee to a fault. Just got The Biz on Friday and I'm currently addicted.


    With the exception of his voice, the SB records (excepting Cavale) all sound pretty damn different from The Sea and Cake. A lot weirder and more organic.

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