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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. I recently found a vinyl copy of this..I had been looking for one for years...I had many of the other Jam albums but was missing this one.


    Lots of great stuff in the 80s.....alot of what was then called "alternative" but is now called indie.


    It was hardly a bad decade at all...




    Did your vinyl come with the 7" "Bonus tracks"?

    I have a vinyl copy as well, and it did. Too bad it's in storage in my crawlspace with the rest of my vinyl that I can't listen to since my (then) 2-year-old blew out my stereo which I haven't been able to replace yet because I have no money because I've been spending it all on words for run-on sentences like this one.

  2. Thought of another couple that I haven't seen here, but who probably should have made my list (that's how forgeotten they are... they're a couple of my favorites and even I forgot him!):

    Glenn Tilbrook (Squeeze)

    Listen to the solos in "Is That Love" aor "Another Nail For My Heart" and tell me his isn't a monster!


    Elliott Easton (The Cars)

    Try "Best Friend's Girl" on for size.

  3. He agrees with him on some things and not on others. Why must Obama agree 100% with everything each of his advisors believes? And if he did agree with them, what would be the point of even going to them for advice, since he would have nothing to learn from their perspective?

    Because W agrees 100% with all his advisors.

    And he never changes his mind either.

    Shows strength..... or something.

  4. will there be a merch table? as far as request I wouldn't want to interupt your flow.



    Hey now..

    I admitted that this was self-promoting!

    And, I don't play out much at all. In fact, I've only played 2 or 3 club shows in the last 2 years.

    As far as promoting MIXTAPE -- ain't nothing to promote yet! Just the demos (which I'm giving away, anyway). I just like to get heard.


    So, feel free to slam me for self-promotion. But, it's not like I don't contribute to the conversation here.


    And, I don't think that I talk about my own band all that often. Do I?


    [sarcastic self-pity]If I do... leave me alone!!!

    I forget things!!!

    I had brain surgery, you know!!![/sarcastic self-pity]

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