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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. Score!


    I just picked up a copy of "...Aeroplane...", brand new vinyl, for 10 bucks.


    There's at least one more vinyl copy available at the East Madison store.


    Prepare to either be taken off into a state of transcendent bliss, or to run away screaming with your hands over your ears.

    (I am of the former camp.)

  2. I love this band.

    M.O.T.O. = ""Masters Of The Obvious"


    They're from Chicago and play 2- and 3-chord punk songs with hooks that you'll find yourself singing at the most opportune moments:

    Walking down the hall of your office:

    "You don't have to be a dick about it, dick about it, dick about it!!!!"


    Any fans?


    They are incessant self-promoters, so I wouldn't be surprised if Paul was here and got himself kicked off the board for pimping himself too much. But the bottom line is that they are insanely great, primitive rock and roll. And Paul Caporino is a twisted genius.

  3. Rumor had it that the Chicago-based ork-pop band was working on a new record (their first since 2000's A Month Of Sundays). But that was already a couple of years ago.


    Has anyone heard anything recently?


    I'm listening to that 2000 album now and, as it always does, it's killing me with its beauty.



    Kevin Junior, are you out there?

    John Stiratt? You played on the last album... you heard anything?

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