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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. HIJACK!!!!


    Are either of you musicians?

    Do you have a thought on the topic?



    (This is not just me looking to talk about me. I do want a discussion about the topic at-hand.)


    So... do ya?


    (And don't change that comment into a shift to talk about The Move or ELO!)

  2. 41WAMXJMZ9L._AA240_.jpg


    AW yeah.


    We heard "Concrete Jungle" on the radio a couple of months ago, and my kids (8 and 6) were in the backseat... ROCKING!!!

    Singing along:

    "In the concrete jungle.... In the concrete jungle!!!

    "Dad, do you have this CD? You need to get it!"


    My kids rock.


    Hey!! :)




    The new version? Are the extras worth the price?


    And to respond to this:

    If you have The Wilderness Years, no.

    If you don't HELL YES!!!

  3. Great song my friend. Great voice. Does your band do any touring? Maybe your band and mine could do some gig swapping sometime.


    Thanks, Lam.

    My band is, since August or so, just me and my guitar. And I do not do any touring, since I am a daddy and family guy. But, if I do get a gig sometime around here (where they actually let me suggest another band for the bill) I will let you know and try to get you on there. That would be fun.

  4. Nice song Todd. Agree with the Lou Reed comment, I hear some Farrarness too.


    I was thinking about this today and, I wrote it as a Johnny Cash thing.

    But I can really hear Dwight Yoakam or Steve Earle singing this. It's too bad that they are two of the very best songwriters, themselves and have no need for this.


    Sorry for the bump, I was seriously just thinking about this and wanted to respond.

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