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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. That Beatles book has been re-configured - if you have an original printing of that book - it is worth a lot of money.


    I don't know.

    But it's a softcover copy, so... how much could that be worth?

    Not as much as an original hardcover, I'd guess.

    Did they print an original hardcover?

  2. 51QC58GKFRL._AA240_.jpg

    A fly-on-the-wall, no bullshit (read: no gossip) account of every single recording sessions The Beatles did between 62 and 70.

    Despipte the techie-geek bent of a lot of it, the story, journal-like entries totally put you inside the sessions. Freaking essential,


    Also, does anyone have/has anyone seen

    A Year With Swollen Appendeces by Brian Eno


  3. They were awesome.

    Opened with "Nancy Whiskey" closed with "Fiesta".

    The show was more of a communal thing than a concert. The house lights were on half the time, and just about everyone was dancing and singing along with every song.


    Shane looks great. Jem and Spider are still complete goofs.

    I'm working on 4 hours of sleep.

    Don't fuck with me!


  4. His Mead Of Eternal Life had been contaminated by the poison piss of an Ork; or maybe a nasty little Dwarf had slipped him some poison to get his grubby little hands on Gary's Magical Vorpal Sword.


    RIP O King Of The Geeks!


    (I used to play, and yes, I am sad.)

  5. He certainly does. It also irks me that the main artifact pertaining to Otis Redding at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is the shard of his wrecked airplane where you can see his name in hand-painted script. He was so much more than that. Just listen to "I've Got Dreams to Remember", or "I've Been Loving You Too Long (to stop now)"... even his version of the Temptations' "It's Growing". You get chills every time.



    "These Arms Of Mine"

  6. It's been 15 years and, while I remember the approximate time, I'm not totally sure of the exact dates.

    But then, I never really knew them when they were alive, either.

    They never really made a big deal out of them... they were just like that.


    Although, I do know that they're coming up soon... both of them.


    And no, it does not make you a bad grandchild.

    The fact that you even care makes you a good one.

  7. Dancin' with Joey...



    I saw her hosting a showing of Halloween a couple of years back... with her teenaged son.

    That's gotta be odd to have Riff Randall as your mom.

    And so cool, too.


    She came off as a typical suburban mom, with the cool quotient boosted about a hundredfold.

    She's still bubbly.

    She's still P.J.

    She still rules the school.



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