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Posts posted by PopTodd

  1. paris 1919 - it's pretty much perfect. i'd also suggest getting fear, slow dazzle and helen of troy - which you can pick up on a double cd called 'john cale the island years' which also has some non-album tracks too. that is a great package, but get paris 1919 first. there are some other albums of his that i like, but those ones are on a different plain to the rest.


    Almost my exact reply, word-for-word.


    Also the Cale/Eno collaboration Wrong Way Up is outstanding, as well.

  2. Again, from This Is Spinal Tap:


    Marty: "What would you do if the rock and roll thing had not worked out?"


    Nigel: "I don't know. Be a habberdasher, I guess."


    Marty: "A habberdasher?"


    Nigel: "Yeah. You know, selling hats and such. See... Pretend that you're a customer."


    Marty: "Okay. I would... Um... I'd like to buy a hat please."


    Nigel: "What size, sir? You see I think that I would be very good at that.


    Marty: "But... Um... Do you think that you would like that?"


    Nigel: "I don't know. What are the hours?"

  3. On the advice of another teacher I showed that movie to my 4th grade class as a treat for good behavior. I hadn't seen it in at least 10 years, but how bad could it be, right?


    At the end when Inigo tweeks the line and adds "...you son of a bitch" to the end of that, my whole class whipped their heads around to look at me in the back of the room grading papers. They were quiet, jaws dropped to the desk, and I just sat there with my eyes about to pop out of my head. Then they suddenly went ape shit, howling "Oh my God! He said the b-word!" and "Mr. Kinsley! What kind of movie are you showing us!"


    We had a little chat about how if a grown-up tells you not to tell your parents about something or else you'll get in trouble, it's really the grown-up who'll get in trouble, not the kid. "But having said all that kids... is it REALLY neccesary to tell your parents about this one little word?"


    I well up every time I see that scene.

    I believe it goes:


    Promise me ritches!

    -All that you want!

    Promise me power!

    -Anything! Anything!!!


    I want my father back you son of a bitch!!!

    (runs him through.)

  4. Strictly from Rob Reiner movies:


    "Anybody want a peanut?"

    -Fezzig (Andre the Giant) in The Princess Bride


    "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

    -Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patankin), also in The Princess Bride


    "This one goes to eleven."

    -Nigel Tufnel (Chris Guess) in This Is Spinal Tap

  5. List your single favorite; rank your Top 5, or whatever.

    But an explanation as to what about the album MAKES it your favorite would be nice.


    For me:

    Younger Than Yesterday

    Just the songs. I don't know. It's the first of their albums that has NO involvement, whatsoever, from Gene Clark. And, while his presence is certainly missed, there's an intangible quality to the record that just keeps me going with it. The first Chris Hillman compositions are on here and, Clarence White's playing on "Time Between" is freaking sublime.


    After that one, it's probably:

    Mr. Tambourine Man

    Sweethearts Of the Rodeo

    Fifth Dimension

    Dr. Byrds and Mr. Hyde

    and then everything else.

  6. Blue Line Swinger is one of my all time favorite songs..absolutely perfect in every way.


    The only YLT albums I'm not a fan of are I Am Not Afraid.. and Fakebook.


    So, you like the noisy stuff?

    Those are two of my favorites of theirs (along with Electr-o-Pura)!

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