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Everything posted by squagels

  1. Long time member, newish poster. Wanted to share my review of the gig: http://theorangepress.net/2013/04/an-evening-with-wilco-sydney-opera-house-night-2-april-3/ And the sadness that comes from realising that it might be another 3 years before I get to see them again
  2. http://stereogum.com/archives/photo/wilco-the-wiltern-los-angeles-62209_075392.html it can be found there, or here: http://thesteamengine.blogspot.com/2009/07/wilco-unlikely-japan.html
  3. i just heard this at stereogum. if someone could pm me the track i would be forever grateful. i dont think this is being released in australia
  4. i requested DIMD at their last sydney gig i like it so much... but they didn't play it
  5. Thanks dude, but i already got a friend to download it for me. thanks anyway
  6. it says my 'download limit has exceeded' and i haven't downloaded anything! Its giving me the shits.
  7. i think there's a problem with megaupload. they won't let me download it. could someone put it up on another site? i need to have this thing.
  8. any chance that this can be uploaded to another site like mediafire? i don't know what it it but megaupload is being a dick.
  9. Beautiful! thankyou. i was praying someone taped it.
  10. I'd really love a link. It's not coming up here
  11. wilco actually ran from 9:10ish till 11:30 at the enmore.
  12. Great show! I got Glenn's setlist, with a signed and dated drumstick attached! On the setlist monday was written in texta as opposed to the other songs which were typed, so it was added at some point.
  13. I have to sit through bridezilla!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Why couldn't it be Glen Richards again?
  14. I got my tickets today . Anyone else got their's?
  15. At the enmore i mean, cause that just doesn't seem right. Maybe because all three venues were posted it was just referring to the metro (god i hope so)
  16. Is it seriously over 18's?
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