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Everything posted by itstillmoves84

  1. this is my dream show. neil young was a part of my childhood as my parents played all his albums when was a kid. neil young is iconic, i can't believe some of the people mentioning that they don't like neil, or understand his relationship to wilco. how can you listen to the band and not hear the parallel? even with UT you could hear it. i think i could die a happy man if i saw nels and jeff jam out to down by the river. nyc, and philly here i come. how about a dc date added
  2. Evil Urges gets better with every listen... I believe this was brought up before though, but these songs are fucking unreal live. Seeing the band once, will convert everyone into believers. RCMH just blew me away. Can't wait for MSG. Hopefully 5 solid hours of the Jacket!! That said, it's not my favorite album of 08. The Dodos -- Visiter Plants and Animals -- Parc Avenue Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson -- s/t Liam Finn -- I'll Be Lightning My Morning Jacket -- Evil Urges Vampire Weekend -- s/t The Black Keys -- Attack & Release Fleet Foxes -- s/t REM -- Accelerate Elvis Costello and
  3. "First impression : One Wing - beginning guitar parts reminded me of The Cure(not sure which era). But than I went through my iPod and I realized it actually reminded me more of Interpol's Hands Away on Turn On The Bright Lights. good call!
  4. Haaaaa, totally sorry. As you know they do cover Little Wing (PJ) that is. Just a bit of confusion there.
  5. Honestly, the solo at the end of Little Wing is a little Pearl Jam-esque. If you ever hear Inside Job, similar to that. Good tune though. I think it will be arranged better if it makes it to the next album. Definitely hear the Radiohead. Sunny Feeling is a bit hokey, a grower. One note on the recording: The girl talking in the background of the recording during One Wing is so fucking annoying. Never ceases to amaze me that people just don't shut the f up at shows. You paid to see the band, how can you talk the whole time?
  6. Anyone heard this yet? Pitchfork gave it an 8.5 I think? Great album, reminds me a lot of Ben Harper but his voice is not as flat. Catchy stuff. Everyone should check it out. Mountaineered is a personal fave.
  7. Anyone else attending this monumental occasion?? Wear your best headbanging attire
  8. Either Way is one of the best cd openers I've heard in awhile. Personally, I think YAMF is one of the most beautiful songs they've ever written. Still love Being There though.
  9. Thanks all of you for taping and seeding the shows on this tour. It's amazing how many are out there now. Such great quality too. My external hard drive is very happy.
  10. Looking at them I think I gotta go with Austin, TX Night #2. Show rocks, thanks for whoever taped that!
  11. These guys are an efficient rock unit. 26 songs in a shade under 2 hours.
  12. Poor choice of words. It's late. Put it over the top is what I should have said. But this closing set is awesome, especially with the TPs.
  13. The horns make this song unbelievable. Easily one of my favorite Wilco songs.
  14. Play Spiders, not much singing going on in that song.
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