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Everything posted by itstillmoves84

  1. Hi all -- I have 2 Friends of the Festival Pass + Lodging at Williams Inn (3 nights with double queen beds) to off-load at face value. Unfortunately, we have an ill family member and will be unable to attend this weekend. It is a real shame on multiple fronts I'd love for the tickets to find a good home rather than resorting to the sharks of the third-party ticket world. I've been in touch with the SSF organizers and they will help facilitate a transfer. Please DM me if interested.
  2. How did everyone do in the Frontgate pre-sale? I got 1 GA ticket. I tried for 2 forever, but just didn't work. Finally got through with 1. Kind of annoying how they don't offer a will call option, but ah well. WILCO fix before the end of 2010.
  3. Yeah, really enjoyed sitting for 3 hours. I guess it's unacceptable to stand and dance at a rock concert. Thankfully I am a nice guy and fell into the "democracy of seated concerts" in the grand tier. seriously, people learn how to let loose. Aside from that, acoustic set was the highlight for me. Strathmore has a lot of empty space and isn't the right place for Wilco. Hope they never play there again - Warner Theater would have been much better. Sound was great though.
  4. Some folks appreciate it. I can think of FAR more annoying things than a harmless text message like the chatty crowds that tend to show up at Wilco shows. I promise that i'll keep my phone tapping to a very quiet patter.
  5. I will be tweeting the setlist tonight for anyone who is interested. twitter.com/jmbadlam
  6. Funny that people have been clamoring for this for years and are now complaining. Wilco. Live. Vinyl Pressing. All the haters are nuts.
  7. Need two or one for Bethesda. Can trade a GA ticket to Philly + cash.
  8. Durham, Bethesda, Richmond, Montclair (x2), Philly... there are a lot of happy mid-atlantic residents right now. I knew they would come through on this!
  9. Sign up here - limited tickets for fan presale - good luck! http://wilco.frontgatetickets.com/
  10. On 9:30 Club Website - advertisement for show on Tuesday, March 30th in Bethesda, MD. Can't wait!! More dates to come I am sure in the Mid-Atlantic.
  11. All great suggestions! a great local band of a friend is playing at Busboys and Poets Saturday night - Greg Roth and the Bargains. Check em out!
  12. That's a hell of a way to start another leg! Can't wait to hear the sound. C'mon, we need a Northeast Winter Tour!!
  13. I agree. Theologians; Poor Places > Kidsmoke. Top choice. What an amazing night that was.
  14. Anyone have extras for Merriweather this weekend? I'm looking for 2 lawn. Will take one.
  15. It's all mindless yammering. I love SBS and its composition. I will agree in that "Leave Me Like You Found" me is a rather terrible song. I am getting sick of hearing Walken live too. But the composition of the album is great. Granted some of the songs, the title track, ought to be reserved for the smaller venues, that doesn't take away from some of the absolutely gems on the album -- YAMF, Impossible Germany, Side With The Seeds. Personally, I think On and On and On is probably the most underrated song on the album, loved it as a closer of the first set on a few of the shows I saw; the song h
  16. Listen to "When The Roses Bloom" from DC Night 2 -- Feb 27, 2008. Tweedy says "maybe there should be a sign -- concert is actually happening. maybe we would know" Basically, this woman was dancing uncontrollably (an obnoxiously) in the front row at 9:30 in DC. Well she kept bumping into this younger girl and the girl got pissed. She asked the lady to stop but she just kept doing it. Needless to say, everyone around her, including myself, was upset by this. Everyone was so distracted including the band. Jeff at one point during one of the bridges came over at the end of the stage and strummed
  17. great set, very envious. would have loved to see the poor places > reservations > spiders segue. Announcement for a small fall tour? Perhaps a tiny 3-leg show at the 930 club?! Wishful thinking...
  18. I disagree with most of everyone's comments, I thought Conor was great. His Bright Eyes work is rather whiny at times, but he's a great songwriter. His set was much more energetic than Wolf Trap and I really dig the MVB albums. Cape Canaveral is a f-ing great tune. He definitely looked a little fucked up but whatever. He may have been a little out of his element in a cavernous ballpark but I thought his performance was great. He plays really well off the other guys in the band. How about that freakin acoustic guitar solo! You don't see that often. I loved his set.
  19. This is the best recording I've heard on this leg! Nice work!!! Too bad you couldn't drown out the one girl screaming perodically. "Sing m*therf-ers" during Jesus, Etc. was a nice touch. I will say, this might have been the best crowd I've seen at a Wilco show. Everyone around me was great, amicable and enjoying the moment. I did try to make my way through the crowd to find my friends and was viciously boxed out by some crazy female. She wouldn't let me go past, exclaiming she had been standing there for an hour. So I just walked around her. Aside from that, and the drunk guy slurring at
  20. It's honestly like he's NEVER been to a concert before. He fails as a music critic. And he may be a VC member.
  21. The band sounded great, but as far as Wilco shows go; probably the weakest one I've seen. However, that doesn't count for the absolutely gorgeous weather and a beautiful venue, also it's Wilco. The band definitely speeded everything up. ALTWYS was probably like 4 or 5 minutes long. The only gem of the night was How to Fight Loneliness. We were treated to one of the most racous Handshake Drugs I've seen. Aside from a few people singing horribly and unnecessarily loud, the crowd was pretty good (at least on stage left). I was 5th row, which is very very close. ITMWLY was great. IATTBYH never g
  22. did anyone get a poster for the show? i'd love to see
  23. Gosh people are proactive! Here's the duet. So beautiful. Sound is a little loud. But great video quality. EDIT: linking video is against board policy
  24. Somethign tells me the closing set for Night 3 is going to rock
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