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Everything posted by itstillmoves84

  1. I think you might have spoke too soon...
  2. my friend just pointed out that 'i will never run out of shirts to fold' Couldn't have said it better!
  3. Love the blues feel on this song. This is 100 times better when you're there in person!
  4. His voice sounds fine in the folky songs, but sounds worse in the "rock" songs. Sorry, I'm not familiar with musical diction. Help a brother out?
  5. Definitely glad that there is little crowd noise. After the 2 shows in DC, they seem rather off tonight. Jeff's voice is definitely about 60% Hesitating Beauty was the highlight of the first set for sure
  6. I agree. We kinda just ended up in a great spot. Everyone around us was phenomenal but you always have a bad egg. What can you do. Casino Queen was unreal.
  7. I was standing right in front of Nels about 2 people from the stage and what was going on here was quite peculiar. I didn't quite hear what the yammering was about, or how it even started but basically what I gathered was that this older woman and younger woman were in an argument. The younger woman appeared to be under 21 but anyways. What I gathered is that the older woman (who was dancing quite feverishly) was probably bumping into the younger one quite a bit and she got ticked off. Well an argument ensued and completely spoiled the beauty of when the roses bloom again. Everyone around
  8. John Doe is a talented musician. I appreciate his abilities but I just wasn't into it at all. Sort of static music. At least to me anyways. The closing of the first set with: Red-Eyed and Blue - I Got You - Monday - Outtasite was absolutely amazing. The crowd was so into the music. Definitely a welcomed sign from Tower. The Total Pros added a different element. Walken was great with them. I'm interested to see what they play tonight. Lots of Being There last night. I'm hoping for Spiders tonight. That would be so intense in 9:30. Pretty sure aside from the camera crew, there was a taper
  9. I was in row G for the show. The sound was phenomenal, but clearly half of the crowd was into it, half wasn't. I started to stand, then felt indifferent when I was the only one standing for awhile but I could have cared less. People pay money to get involved in the show, so why not. I'm not a huge fan of seated venues, but the sound in Tower totally made up for it. Seemed like alot of people a) didn't know what was coming as far as songs b.) were just there (as prior posts mentioned) to be there c) we're totally into it. ALTWYS was euphoric live, so intense. Jeff was really into On and O
  10. I will be at the Radio City Show. Wouldn't miss it for the world. I've seen MMJ about 5 times now and they do not disappoint at all. I can't even imagine seeing them at that venue, with the acoustics of that building no less. This is going to be a religious experience. "Z" is a great album, flows so well. Much like SBS, I loved how "Z" opened up with wordless chorus... "so much, going on these days...", and with "maybe the sun will shine today..." from SBS. Just 2 albums that are pieced together extremely well. MMJ is one of the answers to what quintessential rock music is about. Power guita
  11. I saw them in 2002 in Montreal at Parc Jean Drapeau which was absolutely amazing. I assume they will play there again. Perfect venue, and quite picturesque. You have the St. Lawrence River on both sides then the skyline of Montreal and Mont Royal as well. I am just hoping for a good venue in DC. You can't bet they would play Verizon. Radiohead is not an arena band. Let's hope their promoters work some fucking magic and put them right on the fucking National Mall. That would be the concert to end the world. Could you imagine Everything In It's Right Place as the Apocalypse cataclysms. Fuck y
  12. 1.) Radiohead - In Rainbows 2.) The Arcade Fire - Neon Bible 3.) Wilco - Sky Blue Sky 4.) The Shins - Wincing The Night Away 5.) Iron And Wine - The Shepherd's Dog 6.) Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin 7.) Bruce Springsteen - Magic 8.) Rilo Kiley - Under The Black Light 9.) Mute Math - Teleprompt 10.) Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank Honorable Mention: Interpol - Our Love to Admire Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Living With The Living Sunset Rubdown - Random Spirit Lover
  13. How ridiculous would this song be live?? Hope they break it out!!!
  14. Totally agree. The best thing to do is wait til like the week of the show. I've gotten tickets to hot shows in DC the last week via craigslist. You will be paying a little *over* but nothing outrageous like ebay, etc. Most of the time people have situations arise where they can't go. I got Kings of Leon and Killers tickets this way and only paid like $5 over. Be patient, but they will come up.
  15. Two to Tuesday Two to Wednesday. Had a friend buy Wednesday. Looks like it was sold out in about 10 minutes. 3 Wilco shows in 5 days. Might be heaven.
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