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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. Take this quick & fun quiz to see if your voting for the right dude. I scored with Obama. do it now
  2. Bet that kid was scared! We actually had a car stop and take it. Our drive is too far for a quick catch. Funny, we have 5 other dem signs up for our state leaders, never touched.
  3. 'Round these parts "whoo-whee" is code for some serious killer jive dude. Oh my...
  4. My state is hanging in there for Obama. A poll by Rasmussen shows O up 6 points in MO. The Real Clear Politics average of recent polls has him up 2.5 points. My sign has only been stolen once. Go Missouri!
  5. This is something I have thought about. You are already considered a racist by a racist if your not voting O as they may assume it's based mainly on race. I know it's true in some cases, but same goes for the other side. Many will vote Obama purely for the "historic" aspect of it, his color. But, I'm concerned just voicing disaproval of his actions as president will lead you to trouble. It's only normal to question any president, but will this one be off limits?
  6. Great post. Your right, most people who consider themselves to be a conservative republican are truly confused (and scared) as to who this McCain/Palin really are and where they would lead this country. Does anyone really think they represent the ideal republican party? I think McCain is pretending to be conservative to get to the white house.Not long ago he said the nutty republican platform plank on the abortion issue should be rewritten, then went on to say that if his daughter became pregnant, it would be up to her to decide whether to have an abortion. oldie but goodie show of how McCai
  7. I'm only voting for Obama because he is black and so damn good looking. Trash all my 2000 posts in this election thread that host a ton of awesome links to reputable news sources and funny ass comedy. All of my educated thoughts on O have been made up to make my vote look smart. It's not, I'm not, and he's not. Obama will win this election only because of Jeff working with Acorn to slide some stupid powder in McCain's metamucil latte (the official stool softener of Super Bowl) that left his mind a little like his BM (bowel movement). Palin is hot and deserves the spot....and Biden is boring
  8. I could care less who wins..this is all an act. DID I MENTION I WAS 40ft OR SO FROM OBAMA LAST NIGHT?????
  9. That rap was awesome..so right on! I missed the opening though, was Palin in it?
  10. I saw Obama! I saw Obama! I saw Obama! I saw Obama! I saw Obama! 16 rows back from Obama!! Obama in KC Kansas City rocks! Over 75,000 inside the Liberty Memorial grounds, thousands more outside. What an amazing time (stood in 1 spot for 3 hours to see him). He cut his speech short, talked about 45 minutes. Lots of folks from Kansas there to support him as well. My pics be will posted later..here are a few from the paper. The last one is from the dem headquarters in KC.
  11. If there was a silly "McCain is a racist" poster I would take that down as well. You removed hate, thanks. There is difference between that shit and a pro-McCain sign. We need VC in government. If we had government behind VC then perhaps we could paid for each post..or something.
  12. So Fox News and their entorage have confirmed that liberals are in fact, anti-American. Obama and Biden are our leaders. One idiot called for an extensive expose' that will show the world where these freaks hide in government.
  13. Toooo many liberals? Yeah, you would take the cake on the majority of issues.
  14. We should hold a VC election. Vote VC hottie, smartest VC'er, funniest VC'er, and other assorted positions.
  15. Just popped into a bar where the owner's son (a pal of FHF) plays non-stop Wilco for us.I saw Hoskins, a hard core republican running for MO State Rep sitting there with his family. Wilco and republicans in bars just don't mix well in my book. Wilco sounded quite sweet though. Edit:Yes, I know JT loves republicans too.
  16. I agree. I find how people think to be very interesting...and scary. I found it on accident and like a bad train wreck, had to go back. I think they are very serious and it frightens me.
  17. I found this white racist MB that I peak in on once in awhile to get a feel for this sort of thinking during the election. Here's their thoughts on people rioting if Obama loses. white racist on Obama
  18. Girls can be plumbers too! totally NSFW and down right dirty...where's EL?
  19. I agree. Also, we need to consider the use of the word riot when it could mean protest. Sometimes when people of color gather to protest it scares us white folks and is chalked up to being a riot. If Obama loses you will see many shades of color protesting. I would be there.
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