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The High Heat

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Posts posted by The High Heat

  1. im aware, yes


    theyve also been known to bring back and rework songs and that one always felt more like a tweedy solo demo than a finished wilco song. i like the song quite a bit so i hoped theyd make it something even greater for a future album or something

    To me, the song sounds perfect as it is.

  2. How bad are the Marlins? Their cleanup hitter is Placido Polanco!!!! I see Stanton setting the new record for intentional walks and Polanco doing the same with the grounding into double plays mark.



    P.S. Brian Roberts blew a knee tendon last night. I'll give him credit. He lasted three games, that's two more than I thought he would.

  3. 1999, after learning of Wilco through the first Mermaid Avenue album, I sought out their solo work. I chose to buy Being There over Summerteeth because it was a double CD for the same price as a single, plus I liked the cover. The intro to Misunderstood had me hooked, the first verse had me galvanized. That first minute of that great tune completely changed not only what kind of music I listen to, but also how I experience it.

  4. On another note, I was shocked when Elvis' extension was announced. Especially since he is a client of Scott Boras...

    ...and Andrus was do to become a FA when Jeter's contract is up. Surely, Boras would rather have waited to have Yankee money involved in the process. The Bombers will have tax reduced by then and will be again handing out the $$$.


    There are two opt-out clauses for Elvis. He may not be a Ranger for life.

  5. Damn. I hope she makes it home.


    I've read nothing of Lehane's, where should I begin?

    The Given Day is good literature. Mystic River is both good literature and top-notch mystery. His detective series has six books, four are really good for that genre, starting with A Drink Before the War.

  6. Oh, I forgot Richard Russo! I still have books of his to read, lucky me.


    Did Dennis Lehane ever find his missing doggie?

    I recently finished reading Nobody's Fool for the second time.


    No, there's been a several sightings that have proven fruitless. Either that dog is getting around or Massachusetts is teeming with stray beagles.

  7. http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/blog/scott-miller/21841054/mariano-rivera-to-the-mariners-almost-happened-in-spring-of-96


    During Spring Training in 1996 George Steinbrenner, rest his soul, almost forced a '80's-Yankees-styled-trade of Mo Rivera to Seattle for the legendary Felix Fermin (whom the Mariners thought enough of to give up Omar Vizquel) because rookie Derek Jeter was struggling in pre-season games. If King George would have had Jeter sent to Columbus and Mo to Seattle, who most likely wouldn't have been smart enough to make him a closer, the amount of baseball history that would have been altered in this scenario is mind-boggling. Makes me wonder what the '80's could have like in the Bronx if the Yanks would have restrained themselves from acquiring the likes of: Lee Mazzilli; Omar Moreno; Dale Murray (for Fred McGriff); Dave Collins; Andy Hawkins; Ken Phelps (for Jay Buhner); Gary Ward; Marty Bystrom; and so on...


    Of course, one could debate if the Fermin-Rivera trade would have been dumber than the Astros, Indians, Expos, Orioles and Reds passing on Jeter in the '92 draft. Houston's scout, former big leaguer Hal Newhouser, resigned and quit baseball altogether immediately when they took Phil Nevin instead of DJ.


    The brains and instincts in true baseball people within the game may have the most under-appreciated and unsung impact on the course of the sport.

  8. yeah the delmon young signing was a shocker. a cheap one (i trust you saw that he can essentially double his salary by not being a fatass all season?) but still. there's a lifelong american leaguer if ever there was one.

    DY will be beast or bust at the plate, but if he acts up at all he'll be run out of South Philly faster than he can throw a bat at an umpire.


    Oh well, 3rd place means tickets won't be so hard to get for the first time in seven or eight years.

  9. Bad day for the great game.

    RIP Stan Musial

    RIP Earl Weaver

    I can't remember the death of two legends happening so closely together. It's too much.


    The tiny little town in western Pennsylvania named Donora produced Ken Griffey, Sr., Ken Griffey, Jr., Stan Musial, and my Grandmother. All fine humans in my book.

  10. Couldn't schools install emergency exit doors in every classroom just the same as implementing armed protection? I'd be all for a federal fund to support keeping kids from trapped in a single-entrance room. Newly planned schools should also be required to provide emergency exits in every classroom.

  11. I'm not a fan of guns, probably because I have no interest in them outside of a Clint Eastwood movie.


    Lost a nephew from being shot to death in the war in Afghanistan.


    Had a good friend end her own life with a shotgun. She was bi-polar.


    As much as I'd rather not have people toting around guns, I feel like I should be consistent. We should maintain the right to not only bear arms, but also stockpile them, in exactly the same way we should not move away from the Electoral College system. At our origins, these measures were put in place to provide a more level playing field for both individual states and citizens. No matter how far away we get away from 1776, and less likely it seems we'd ever have to fight against our own government and military, it is most likely these rights and measures that have made it to be less likely. I don't believe citizens should ever give up their own protections, no matter how far-fetched the possibility of uprising.


    It seems to me that the trouble with guns has more to do with the people who used them for things other than sport and hunting food. There are those who have/use them to control, intimidate, or violate; and then there are a good number of folks who have built a cache out of fear based on pure ignorance - most likely preparing for the proverbial centuries-in-the-making-race-war. Then there are the mentally ill and the people under the influence of mind-altering substances. Throw in social ills, a broken justice system, and an ineffective incarceration techniques, and we have a deadly cocktail that cannot be unmixed with legislation and background checks. The issues of responsible gun ownership and our ability to curb gun violence are layered, thick, and deep-rooted; and won't be settled any time soon.

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