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The High Heat

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Posts posted by The High Heat

  1. Worth the 3 hour ride! I was really impressed with Bingham. He really laid it down! Still not into MMJ now that I've seen them live, although I like 'Golden' and was pleased they opened with it. Jeff was just damn giddy during 'The Weight' and that was before he got to shake Dylan's hand in front of witnesses. Just having Dylan say his name on stage was probably too much for Jeff to handle with any kind of dignity. Haha!

  2. I was searching the JAF section for something specific and I came across this quote from Lynch in a thread about making a Wilco mix for a friend:



    "Posted 16 March 2008 - 02:33 AM

    I just introduced a friend to Wilco by borrowing him my YHF album and he loved it immediately."



    Sorry Todd, even someone like George Harrison can fall prey to subconscious memory. At least you won't be sued over this. :D

  3. Angel Hernandez has been a bad ump for a long time. He was acting crew chief that night, with younger umpires on his crew. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall with the other guys saying, "Ah...ahhh...yeah...you're right Mr. Hernandez...it hit...the...wall...ok...sure." I'm not sure there'd be a different result if Joe West, the actual crew chief, had been there that night. Got to be the worst crew in the game, although last night's Angels-Astros crew are a contender.

  4. Other than the first Mermaid, Misunderstood was the first Wilco song I heard. The first minute of that song galvanized me to Wilco. A true turning point in my musical tastes.

  5. This reminds me of the old Firesign Theatre parody commercial for Bob Dylan at the Met, where the announcer doing the bit says, "You can't understand a word Bob is singing...and that's when he's at his best!" :lol


    Your review gives me less trepidation for seeing the Wilco/MMJ/Dylan tour too. Thanks!

    You're welcome. A security guard near me chuckled a couple of times when Dylan's voice popped trying to stretch out a lyric. He got a few "Not cool, dude" looks, that's for sure.



    Even can hear the train whistles and sirens....

    The amphitheater sits across the street from the police station, a block from a fire station, and has an elevated Amtrak line curving across the background. I sure wouldn't go see a quiet performer there.:lol

  6. I was 3 rows behind you! How did you like the show? Regardless of the fact that the setlists have been pretty much the same for the whole tour, it was still the best Dylan show I have seen. Did you notice the Raleigh cops watching the show from the steps of their building?

    I may have been 2nd row, but I was far right side. I couldn't notice the cops as I was sitting very close to where the constant stream of people were running back and forth to the beer stand, and, of course, the ushers have to check their tickets each time (basically there was a checkpoint five feet from me). I tried not to get too distracted by it though. I did enjoy the show very much. It was great to hear Dylan use his "recording voice" rather than to hear him continuing trying to do something we all know he cannot. I'm even more looking forward to seeing him in Va. Beach this summer because of how he performed at this show. I was asked to write a review. It's in the ATS section: http://viachicago.org/topic/48914-bob-dylan-may-2-2013-raleigh-nc-red-hat-amphitheater/

  7. I'm not really good at writing reviews, but someone asked.



    Dawes were great, real tight. Two songs into Dylan's set they came and took seats in the second row to enjoy Bob. Eventually they ended up against the rail in front of the stage, but I don't understand why they did so much talking. You'd think they know better.


    When I saw Dylan two years ago his band was spread out, played like awesome hired guns, and Bob's voice was incomprehensible (although I did enjoy the show because I'm a fan). Last night they played more like an organic band. They were basically in a circle (taking on the formation that bands sometime use when being videoed or televised, though they weren't) with Bob either up front singing and blowing the harp, or he took to the keyboard on the right (where he played most of the show). I don't think he played any guitar. Dylan had subtle interactions with his band and, if you were really paying attention, you'd see some small theatrics from Bob - nothing major, just something like Bob playing with his right hand while his left was turned inside out and placed on his hip while he lifted his left leg a little. Just Bob feeling the groove I guess! It seems to me he's adjusted the music to accommodate his voice. This performance sounded more like his recent records in terms of the low, gravelly voice rather than him still trying to rock out. The best part was that he was totally coherent. I could understand every word he sang. There were a few pops and hiccups here and there, but I'll take that over only being able to understand small portions of the songs. I thought Dylan's performance was fantastic and it makes me feel better about going to see him again this summer when Wilco tours with him.



    Things Have Changed

    Love Sick

    High Water (For Charley Patton)

    Soon after Midnight

    Early Roman Kings

    Tangled Up in Blue

    Pay in Blood

    Visions of Johanna

    Spirit on the Water

    Beyond Here Lies Nothin'

    Blind Willie McTell

    What Good Am I?

    Thunder on the Mountain

    Scarlet Town

    All Along the Watchtower



    Ballad of a Thin Man

  8. I didn't see Springsteen using teleprompters when I saw him last October. Dude rarely stands in one place. How's he pulling that off?


    Saw Dylan tonight. He had a book atop his keyboard that he kept flipping through before each song. I'm assuming it was sheet music because he didn't utilize the book when he wasn't playing keyboard.

  9. That's kinda hard to believe that Dylan's camp signed off on that. Maybe he's softening up in his old age - he definitely ain't getting any prettier, though.

    Maybe it's just because Dylan likes to jerk people around.


    Ticket taker when seeing my camera: "I'm sorry. When he got here, he changed his mind." :lol


    Oh Bob, you devious genius!

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