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Everything posted by bakerian08

  1. i am trying to break your heart kamera radio cure muzzle of bees jesus, etc ashes of american flags wishful thinking company in my back pot kettle black poor places reservations and i'm not sure about the late greats vs. on and on and on sorry about the YHF dominance
  2. am i going to have to park on the street? or will there be somewhere near the venue, like a lot or a garage?
  3. yeah. they really, really do.
  4. probably, but you'll get the chance to hear some new songs before the record comes out!
  5. i'm driving 6 hours from indiana. i'd make the trip, if i were you, hollinger.
  6. i saw the band in detroit at a theatre, and about half the audience was standing and half was sitting. jeff at one point encouraged people to stand up, but they didn't really listen. by the encores though, everyone was on their feet
  7. i didn't think "one wing" sounded anything like they were moving more towards a YHF sound at all. but oh well, i'm still really excited.
  8. it's going to be an interesting tourney. but its also going to wreak havoc on my bracket, since i'm trying to win first prize at my college's competition this year!
  9. all this talk of bars and cool stuff to do in milwaukee is making me jealous. it's a six hour drive for me so i don't have the time to check all this stuff, and i'm not old enough to drink!
  10. oh of course! i totally forgot about that!
  11. so, when they say "better book a flight to spain or it's 'see you in june'", does that mean a summer tour is going to happen? for sure?
  12. bloomington seemingly still has a ton of seats available
  13. ok, so after switching to a different computer, a got a seat in row K for night 2. and that's fine with me
  14. alright. something must be wrong for me, so i guess i'll just wait til tomorrow for the pabst pre sale if i don't get anything in the next hour
  15. i don't know who i would pick to win. everything seems to go back and forth so much this year
  16. how are people getting tickets? i'm getting shut out still
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