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Posts posted by Al.Ducts

  1. Driving back home to Minneapolis from Thanksgiving in SD yesterday evening. Perfect Wilco listening time. A Ghost is born all the way through blew my mind as it has many times. A live show from Tampa in 2002 was absolutely magic.

  2. Alright don't jump on me for this. Perhaps its been brought up before but I think the transition between Bull Black Nova and You and I is similar to the transition between I Want You (She's So Heavy) and Here Comes the Sun in the effect it achieves. Kind of a calm after the storm. A great sense of relief.

  3. Thought this was pretty interesting.



    "The Preservation Hall is a 48-year-old French Quarter mainstay known for its deep New Orleans jazz legacy. In honor of the venue and its music outreach program, an impressive group of artists recorded tracks with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band for a benefit album called Preservation, due February 16 via RED. (Via TwentyFourBit)


    Performers on the record include Tom Waits (who does a version of the Mardi Gras song "Tootie Ma Is a Big Fine Thing"), Andrew Bird, Jim James of My Morning Jacket, Pete Seeger, Dr. John, Steve Earle, Blind Boys of Alabama, Merle Haggard, Richie Havens, Jason Isbell, and more."





  4. I have to disagree with those who have put "On the Road" on here. I had to read it twice to "get" it and its a book that keeps growing on me.


    "the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"


    (Hopefully the book didn't turn you off Kerouac completely either. I think "Dharma Bums", also written by him, may be my favorite book)



  5. Hi All,


    Wondering what everybody makes of these shows:




    I think it's especially interesting because it's so unpredictable. I've been kind of burned-out, recently, on the relative sameness of the shows I've been seeing (no offense intended! Maybe that says more about me than the shows). Even the good shows are good in the ways I expect, if you know what I mean. This Gezelligheid idea is something else again, and it reminds me of the pleasure of going to a show without any preconceived notions. Don't know if anybody else has been feeling that way, but if so, I thought this might be of interest....



    I'll be going to the shows in Minneapolis. Should be very interesting.

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