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Ghost of Electricity

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Posts posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. I've always thought it had to do with addiction recovery, and not losing hope over what might be perceived as a lost cause.  The Axis thing being used as a metaphor for 1)the fucked up things addiction can bring on ans 2)the fact that those countries have made an honest attempt at purging the demons of their past, much in the same way an addict should.  


    reading the transcribed words above, not all lines support this readin, but screw it that's my take and i'm sticking to it.

  2. I have been outta the loop recently and lack a time frame.  Have they had a break from touring fal 2012?  Any speculations as to whether the new stuff exists already and is now being tweaked/recorded or is that the plan for early 2013?  When can we realistically expect this new record?


    Also I seem to remember something from an interview around the time of TWL release where Jeff (or maybe) someone else said they'd recorded fifty songs and narrowed it down to the 10(?) that ended up on the record.  Possibly another release from this material?


    That said, I think Jeff and Tony have enough business savvy to put out new material every two or three years until the well runs dry, and if and when that happens, go back to the plethora of "secret" material. 

  3. i'd like a release of new studio material, but the idea of rarities, outtakes etc. from turn of the century era Wilco would also be fantastic.  Live release doesn't excite me so much.

  4. sorry, Regen: 7 Mix 11 Delay 7 is what I meant. I actually have a CC and was too lazy to go look at it while typing the last post, and my memory is nothing if not fallible.


    The master volume on the amp is a valuable tool for not making enemies with your neighbours. That said, most amps do sound better loud, and it's not about the volume.


    As fa as the OCD is concerned, it sounds like you're going for some low gain settings, which should work well with the amp just before breakup. Part or the OD sound you're hearing comes from the boosted signal pushing your amp into OD. Your amps OD will have a different character than your pedals OD, and using the knobbies you can mix match and stack for different combinations.


    G&Cs amp setting suggestion is a good one and the one I generally use when playing on a new amp at the rehearsal rooom or wherever and don't want to spend a lot of time dialing it in.


    An alternative approach would be to start with all tone knobs at zero and increase one by small increments until you hear the sweet spot, then move on to the next one and do the same.


    If you like the Gary Louris alt-country tones, you should get a good fuzz face.


    Also, don't get caught up in the world of twisting knobs- don't forget to play your guitar!

  5. As you stated, there are lots of variables. It's often good to start with an idea of what tone you have in mind, and try to set the variables to achieve that tone. For example, if you want some country sounding guitar, you'd typically want the bridge pickup of the tele. Set the tone knob to something bright but not ice-picky. Run it through the Carbon Copy set for slapback. The Feedback and Delat knobs should be just a touch above zero (about 7 o'clock) and the the level around 10 or 11 o'clock. The amp is also impportant here: what kind is it? I suggest you set it for the edge of breakup when your guitar's volume is maxed. That way you can roll off the guitar's volume a bit and you'll get a cleaner tone good for rhythm. When it's time for lead, crank the volume back up full and it gets a bit of OD.


    I don't have any experience with the OCD, I'd leave it off in the above scenario.


    The amp is definetley a very important part of the equation. What kind do you have?

  6. well, we ARE wasting our time and tone IS in the hands, but i happen to be pretty good at wasting time. Wish I were better about getting great tone out of my hands:)


    Anyway, I don't think a compressor is necessary for the country style stuff, i just think a lot of chicken pickin' players use it to even things out. Bands I've been in have dabbled in it, noone's ever had a compressor. The guy who was best at it went completely pedal-less, actually.

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