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Ghost of Electricity

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Posts posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. jeeze I wish i could. Unfortunately, I don't know either of these pickups.  Fortunately, I've started a thread here: http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?p=16479311#post16479311 Unfortunately, there are a lot of cork-sniffers on that sight.  Fortunately, there some of them know what they're talking about.  Good luck and let us hear it when you finally get your paws on it.  Your patience has been astounding. 

  2. I saw Frank Zappa last night.  Well, kind of.  The last few things he did before he died was orchestral stuff, and the orchestra he did it with came to town and played it.  It was in an old steel mill.  The light show was outstanding. No booze on sight, but they were selling salads and quiche and overpriced upscale softdrinks.  The music?  Jawdropping from a technical point of view, but self-indulgent, emotionally barren and ultimately unengaging.  That's pretty much how I feel about most of the Zappa I've heard.

  3. I bought something similar last year at an estate sale for $10. The organs fan has a speed dial that goes from "soft" to "loud." One of the reeds wasn't working on the thing so I had to take it apart, now all is good. I wish I found more cool stuff like that at garage/estate sale

    was it difficult to fix?  i'm not particularly gifted in that area.  On one or two of the stops a couple of keys don't work.

  4. my new toy came today thanks to the local version of ebay. it's and old electric reed organ.  when you turn it on you can hear and feel the electric fan start up. it's not actually the one in the picture but one very similar.  the knob on the front which controls the speed of the fan and (to a lesser degree) the volume.  man, dos this thing sound good.  people don't appreciate old stuff, so it only set me back about 25 dollars.  it smells like the guy you don't want to sit next to on the bus, though.


    organ suitcase.jpg

  5. what i'm about to tell you is based on simple trial and error experience, and limited at that, so take it with a grain on salt.  only two bit, really: 1. the best basic amplified tone that i got out of my accoustic was through a bass amplifier.  2. i hate chorus, but a touch with shallow depth at a slow speed ( so it doesn't sound "chorusy")might help it cut through the mix.

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