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Ghost of Electricity

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Posts posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. Are you lonesome tonight, 
    Do you miss me tonight? 
    Are you sorry we drifted apart? 
    Does your memory stray to a brighter summer day 
    When I kissed you and called you sweetheart? 
    Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? 
    Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? 
    Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? 
    Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? 

  2. hmmm. it's not like they were victims of the most successful genocide in the history of humankind or anything, having  their social structures torn asunder and their land taken from under their feet while looking sown the barrel of the white man's (wait for it)...gun.


    But I digress.

  3. That chart is unclear, or I'm missing something.  is the rate 1.4 deaths among 100k white people or of 100k people of all color there are 1.4 white deaths?  If the latter is the case then the statistic for Native American/Alaskan populations is by far the most disturbing.

  4. I'm not disagreeing that those issues should be addressed, they should be.  But well and truly addressing them means addressing other issues like education, unemployment, and distribution of wealth.  Yes, let's do that too.

  5. You titled this thread "NRA scorecard" and said "3 points for the NRA", as if they and their members are somehow responsible for some nut shooting up a town meeting.



    If the families of everyone killed in gun violence got together and filed a class action suit against the NRA and weapons manufacturers, they could be legally responsible for them, or at least a portion of them.  Much the same way that tobacco companies are held responsible for the high rates of lung cancer and emphysema (did i spell that right?)

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