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Ghost of Electricity

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Posts posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. "To me, 'RIP' is the microwave dinner of posthumous honours" - Lou Reed



    That's a great quote.  perhaps this is better, (although I wrote for people i know in the real world):


    It was through Lou Reed/Velvet Underground that I first became aware of Plastic People of the Universe, Charter 77, and Vaclav Havel. That in thurn led me to the slew of Czech writers whose books ultiimately drew me to Czech Republic and Karlovy Vary, and then on to Poland. But Lou was the door, the gateway drug if you will. The first time I heard the Velvets was when I visited my brother at U of I and he and his friends put on Velvet Underground and Nico. My musical world changed immediately, my real world soon followed. That was '89, maybe '90, the same time the homelands I would later adopt were going through seismic political shifts. I won't pretend to be as emotionally attached to Tadeusz Mazowiecki as to Lou Reed, but I did see a sort of bitter irony that they passed the same day. Thus great political and artistic achievements of the 20th centruy are transformed; memory becomes history. Today I feel a little older and a great deal sadder.

  2. Would you feel the same if Republicans rammed through legislation that cost trillions of dollars without a single Democrat vote?

    See, i don't have to worry about that. It's not a Democrat/Republican thing.  History (the long view-of course there are setbacks along the way) doesn't move in that direction.  It's the same reason why we don't have slavery anymore or send children to operate heavy machinery for 70 hrs a week anymore. It's the same reason women are closer to achieving equality than they were in the 1950s, and why marriage equality is becoming the norm.  Health care represents the idea that maybe we should look after each other rather than f@%& each other over.


    By the same token (the long historical view) there are some other trends which give legitimate reason for worry, such as the inreasing inequality in the distribution of wealth. This is the kind of legislation that Republicans will "ram through" (often with full cooperation on the part of Democrats mind you) that makes me irate. It represents the idea that why should we look out for each other when we can f@%& each other over.

    You could be talking about ACA or drones here, or the NSA's spying program.

    You take the good, you take the bad you take them both and there you have the facts of life the facts of life the facts of life


    the facts of life are all about you

  3. The fact that the bill garnered no Republican votes should explain why half of the population is irate.

    Yes, i suppose i would be irate too if i suddenly discovered i was on the wrong side of history. 


    There are imperfections and they are growing pains.  Deal with it. Grow.

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