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Ghost of Electricity

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Posts posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. i, too, doubt it. it would be very nice though. i don't think they've ever been east of germany, and don't expect them to do so anytime soon. W(TA) is not even available in Poland yet.

  2. REM was one of the first bands that started opening things up musically for me, expanding the ole' horizons far beyond people i wouldn't dare mention on this board but for whom i still have a juvenile soft spot for. But when I heard REM, the world was a bigger place. This was everything up to and including Document. Then came Green. Then the chronology gets blurry for me because it was, um, well, college. And more importantly I started losing interest. I don't think I've even heard anything after somewhere around Automatic For the People.


    Reading this thread seems to confirm that i haven't really missed anything. Or have I?

  3. And . . . Uncle Tupelo is . . . Teddy Roosevelt? William Jennings Bryan?


    The chronology doesn't quite work out, but A.M. would certainly have to Thomas Jefferson, as it was a Declaration of Independence of sorts from King George (Jay Farrar) which means that Uncle Tupelo (collectively) would be back somewhere around William Penn.



    Hey wait, I'm taking this way too seriously.

  4. Ha! Not sure why he would need to be hung upside down -- I would imagine you could just sit in an office chair and spin, but that's nowhere near as funny a mental image.

    There are lots of ways to spin...John on a meryy-go-round going really fast (the caaliope music might be hard to avoid on a recording though, a sit and spin (if they were invented then), sitting on a swing unwinding one way then the other, ice skates (slow then fast), wow, now that i think about it....

  5. playing hooky from work and am trying this open d tuning for the first time today. on this

    version it looks like he's messing around with:









    and playing the riff lower:








  6. Is it really THAT awful of a record? Do you REALLY listen three times and then never again? Does it REALLY bore you to tears?

    The answer to all these question is, in my case at least, no. So I take your point, and wasn't attacking you. I was attacking your choice of words, because i feel if you are going to make the effort to speak the words might as well mean something, rather than meaning nothing. Because every time I have seen the word "relevant" used on this board it has really not meant a thing.


    If that's English 101, then oh well, I guess I can see the value of a college education.

  7. I personally enjoy both though I don't think either is among their strongest work. I'm happy leaving it at that.


    On another note, I have noticed that this board (or at least certain people, I haven't been keeping track) is awful fond of the word "relevant" or "relevance" if you prefer the noun. Seeing how the discussion of music is by nature a discussion of opinion and therefore taste, I would suggest that this term should be stricken from the vocabulary of all good Via Chicagoans. It is vague and therefore meaningless. Relevant to what? Perhaps you mean influential. If so, use the word influential. Perhaps you mean "to my taste" or "means something to me personally" if so, use them. Don't use some hipster b.s. to try to turn your own opinions into universal truths.


    Rant over.

  8. .


    Come to think of it, YHF could've been a double CD. Add Magazine, Not for the Season, Cars Can't Escape and Venus Stopped the Train.

    you'll have to wait for the remasterd 10th anniversary edition for that. 20th maybe.


    Can you smoke Benadryl and Flintstone vitamins? One of the scarier realizations of my young adult life is many of the ideas I come up with sober, people assume I must have been blasted out of mind to come up with.



    what kind of ideas do you come up with when yuou're blasted out of your mind, then? stuff like "gee, i should probably take out the garbage?"

  9. I agree w/ a lot of what you say here, cryptique. I haven't given up on W(TA) yet. I think a lot of what people have said about SBS here is more true about W(TA). I like Bull Black Nova but it's kind of a Spiders (slight return).

    I was hearing the similarities to Spiders alot too, but a couple of days ago i was surprised to hear a bit of SBS in there. They seem antithetical in many ways, but the Jeff and Nels guitar interplay from about 1:45-2:27 is really reminiscent of the guitar work from Side With the Seeds that starts about 1:30.

  10. My favorite Wilco record is the particular one i'm listening to at the particular moment i have to choose. Because i don't happen to listening to Wilco right now, it makes it harder. But BT and YHF are on the top tier, AGIB, AM and ST in the middle, SBS at the bottom. The parenthical record hasn't settled enough yet to find it's true place on the charts.

  11. Interesting interview. It's a bummer to hear him question whether or not he likes his own music, but by his own admission Nels has long suffered from self-doubt.

    or maybe he started paying attention to his nay-sayers on this board.

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