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Ghost of Electricity

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Posts posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. :lol Nah, I can see it in a separate phase. Musically/stylistically it is phase 1, but it's Tweedy without a net. Big upheaval.

    +1. Have you even walked behind someone on the street who was going slower than you liked yet you couldn't manage to get around? So you have to try to put your right foot forward when they do, trying to match their every footstep? This is kind of how I see Jeff's role in UT, and with AM he was walking shoulder to shoulder with Son Volt's Trace, but set to pass up Jay.

    I would venture that YHF almost is a phase in and of itself, sharing some aspects of the preceding and succeeding phases

    +1 again:


    but then again you could say that about each of the records. why not make each separate record a separate phase?

  2. Isn't Summerteeth one word? That kind of screws up your analysis. Also, looking at the patterns of the title initials, perhaps the pattern can't be perceived yet? (Blowing your mind, I know) [winky emoticon]

    it's a compund word, and it's generally referred to by two initials, so i had to make a call.


    and I like "Perhaps the Pattern Can't Be Percieved Yet." Nice alliteration. And hey, I'm always looking for things to blow my mind. Hopefully the new record will.

  3. Maybe you should join Wilco.


    no thanks. all of you folks would compare me negatively with every former member of the band, and i would be hated even more on this board than i am now. then i would get fired, and be loved

  4. SBS is a good record- I never said i didn't like it. And yes, as someone stated a few posts back the worst album by Wilco is better than the best album by most people out there.


    But recently Tweedy's take on Dylan's "A Simple twist of Fate" came up on the shuffle on my ipod andi was struck at how intense and powerful the sparse arrangement was. Undoubtedly Tweedy has some good material left in him, I'm just not sure whether the Wilco machine is the best platform for him to deliver the best material he could.


    At least to my ears, because i this is all subjective.

  5. I just read a book on the making of Blood on the Tracks. Buddy Cage is interviewed and he tells it this way, as well. To some extent he trashes Garcia's playing but also reports that Jerry told the NRPS guys that they needed to get a real player.


    Cage also tells a funny story about playing on Blood on the Tracks. I'm paraphrasing here but basically Cage was adding overdubs and Dylan came over and told Cage that he was doing it all wrong. Cage got pissed, played a blistering solo, and stormed out of the room. Dylan then came out laughing and said that getting Cage mad was the only way to get him to play the solo the way Dylan wanted it.

    I read that same wonderful book, and was about to reference it before reading your post. The song is "Meet Me In The Morning."

  6. Before you all impale me, hear me out:


    1. The general consensus is that AGIB is not quite as good as YHF, and SBS is not quite as good as AGIB. (personally I agree)


    2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend.


    3. As far as the new record is concerned there are several possibilities: a. the trend continues with something not as good as SBS b. something about equal to SBS c. something better than SBS but not another masterpiece, or d. another masterpiece.


    I would suggest that if the new album is indeed choice "a." Wilco should break up before ruining their legacy completely. If it is "b." the same would probably hold true. If it is "d." then they should break up because it's better, as the old cliche goes, to quit while you're ahead. Leaving "c." which is in my humble opinion the only way they can continue without losing...well, something. My interest at least.


    I just think that they've made a damn a good run of it thus far and would hate to see my favorite band slip into mediocrity. It would cheapen their legacy.

  7. agreed. i think it's time for a good retro (maybe even psychedelic) and colorful album cover.

    time for a "guess the color scheme of the new album" thread?


    i'd have to say they will stick with monochrome, although i'd personally like to see color

  8. I'm going to approach this mathematically(studio albums only):


    1. First came "AM" then: BT, ST, YHF, AGIB, SBS. -- In terms of number of initials this is 2,2,2,3,4,3. If there is a pattern here it must be that Wilco will produce 3 more records with two initials each. It makes for a nice bell curve.


    2. First initials in order A, B, S, Y, A, S. -- It's clear that it should be either B or Y. B would be out of the pattern of alphabetical order. I'm going with Y.


    3. Second initials in order: M, T, H, G, B. --Shit. First two in alphabetical order. Next three in reverse alphabetical order. Let's continue that trend and go with A.


    So the initials which this board will refer to the new record will be "YA"


    In order to get closer to concrete words I would also have to do a grammar analysis....


    1. First initials: initial, participle (from a verb) , adjective (derived from a pun on a quantifier and a verb), noun, adjective. Not represented yet are adverbs, exclamations, conjunctions, pronouns, and prepositions. I'm going with adverb.


    2. Second initials: initial, pronoun, noun, noun, noun, adjective. Keeping in mind that the first initial will be an adverb, and adverbs can only modify verbs or adjectives, and given the previous series of three nouns, I'm willing to bet that Wilco is going to follow with another adjective this time.


    Now to find some adverb-adjective combinations that match YA:


    ...aw screw it, my head is starting to hurt, I'll throw in my hat with the eponymous folk.

  9. Yes, however....




    Ok, so then, so far we've heard is it's more experimental, something more sonic sounding and now we hear of a strong country vibe... Experimental/ country, perhaps? Is there even such a thing? :blush :lol


    "Being There"


    But you're right, those two aren't usually mentioned in the same breath. And from what I remember of the things i've heard (one wing, sunny feeling, wilco the song) they don't seem to be either country or experimental. More straight up rock. But it's been a while since i've listened as i'm trying to wait forthe final thing, so i could be wrong.

  10. So would anyone care to hazard a guess at the tracklisting? What are the track 1-3 rulers, the middle-mellowers and the pick-it-up-at-the enders? And is track 6 actually called "Wow"?

  11. I'll echo the sentiment about the early stuff- the long slow decline started with Green (for me at least). In particular i'd say Reckoning.


    And i must add that i love to see any mention of the feelies. try "The Good Earth" for dreamy ethereal bliss.

  12. My favorite Wilco records are (in no particular order) AM, BT, ST, YHF, AGIB, KT, and SBS.


    I'm just worried that they're going to call the new one "Going Even Through A Lonely If Fertile Eden" or "Leave Off Seldom Eaten Ready Snacks"


    Incidentally, artistic tension was not one of the reasons Olson left the Jayhawks.

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