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Posts posted by radiatortunes

  1. Sorry, that was my short quick answer.


    There will sometimes be info about recordings in the "After The Show" section of the forum. The best place to look, however, is in the "In A Future Age" section. Analogman and several other members keep us up-to-date here when recordings surface.

  2. Not "heard while you're out and about" but an excellent Wilco reference: today I received an email from a health info management company that administers a site where you can access lab/test results ordered by your physician. The email announced updates to the site which you could opt-in to access by logging in with a special password/phrase. Mine was "I was chewing gum for something to do"

  3. Anybody make it to the actual fest - curious if the crowd was receptive to the band and the new record. (I only caught the stream). My wife and I found it humorous when Tweedy wagged his finger at the crowd, with regards to the glow sticks.

    My friends and I were up front on the Autumn Defense side and everyone around us was completely into and blown away by the new songs.

  4. Thanks for posting this year's maps.


    I seem to recall that the first shuttle stop on the purple line was always a lot further west along Route 2, close to the Cumberland Farms, i.e. next to the Willows Motel and across the street from the Maple Terrace Motel. Am I reading this year's map correctly? 



    1. Lurgee

    2. Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was

    3. Black Star

    4. Stop Whispering

    5. Kid A

    These are great picks!


    Here's mine (today):


    Subterranean Homesick Alien

    Go Slowly

    Planet Telex

    Where I End And You Begin

    Lotus Flower


    The National:


    Slow Show

    Apartment Story

    Lucky You

    About Today

    Daughters of the Soho Riots



    Goddamn Lonely Love


    Gravity's Gone

    Space City

    The Great Car Dealer War

  6. This probably belongs in the "After The Show" section but I'm too lazy to start a thread:


    Mark Kozelek played a mostly insult-free early show in Vancouver last night at what is normally a DJ dance club. 

    I Know It's Pathetic
    I Watched the Film The Song
    The Possum
    Richard Ramirez
    I Can't Live Without My Mother's Love
    Hey You Bastards
    Sunshine in Chicago

    By The Time I Awoke
    War On Drugs: SMC
    He Always Felt Like Dancing


    He did a few vocals-only songs, Micheline, was one. He tried to do Sunshine in Chicago this way but couldn't remember the lyrics. When he sat down and started playing it on guitar all the lyrics came back to him. He asked if anyone in the crowd was a drummer ("like a real drummer, not a motherf*cking drunk") and a brave dude climbed up on stage to do 4 or 5 songs with him. Koz was pretty relaxed, yukking it up a bit. Tripped on his mic cord and knocked his nylon-string guitar off its stand. Good show. 

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