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Posts posted by Analogman

  1. I walked out of The Girl In The Spider's Web. While I enjoyed David Fincher's unnecessary remake in 2011, I knew that he'd never be back for any of the possible U.S. sequels. 7 years have passed and they decided to go with the 1st book in the series not written by the original author, Stieg Larsson. It was one of those boring films that feel twice as long as it actually is. I left after an hour and it really felt like I was there for 2 hours. I'd be willing to give it another chance, if it ever becomes a .99 cent rental on iTunes.


    I thoroughly enjoyed Can You Ever Forgive Me?. Melissa McCarthy & Richard E. Grant make a great duo. I found the concept of forgery & there being a market for people paying for letters from dead celebrities completely fascinating in today's current climate. The film really made me question authenticity & the belief that people attach to a piece of paper that states it as such. Also, it shows how people can start to believe their own lies, even when they know that they're dealing with falsehoods.


    I'm excited for the new Coen Bros. movie dropping on Netflix tomorrow, but I really want to see it in a theater. Lucky for me I have the option to do both.


    You may want to check this book out:

    Salamander: The Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders

  2. the remaster of "and justice for all" is a sledgehammer to the brain. i mean that in the best possible way.  :headbonk


    I don't really listen to such things these days - but Harvester of Sorrow is one of my favorite Metallica songs.

    That makes sense -- he was all over the stage this past summer -- he would leave the stage during a solo or something and start singing off stage at times -- he sounded great, though.


    Also my friends saw that Ozzy/Crue tour -- my mom would let me go, though...


    I've read various things about the current DP tour. At least he is not singing along with tapes. 

  3. Ian was also sleeping in a tent in the yard. And kept his golf clubs in a tent next to it. I believe they also blew that up.


    That's probably the last Sabbath album I ever heard - besides Seventh Star and the Dio reunion albums.


    I've read about the following but never heard them:



    • The Eternal Idol (1987)
    • Headless Cross (1989)
    • Tyr (1990)
    • Dehumanizer (1992)
    • Cross Purposes (1994)
    • Forbidden (1995)
    • 13 (2013)
  4. It's back now. It did go away. I figured there was some bullshit going on. I look at that site many times a day. And one day it was gone - replaced with a message that said "goodbye". It never ceases to amaze that a place is created online that becomes something very important - and then gets zapped due to one person's decision.

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