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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. http://www.cavemanproductions.com/cavediary.htm
  2. I bet the manager at the comic book store where you work took it.
  3. You say that you love me (say you love me) All of the time (all of the time) You say that you need me (say you need me) You'll always be mine (always be mine) I'm glad it
  4. That was before I became a Spin Magazine Anti-Hero.
  5. Last year, when this thread got over 100 replies.
  6. I have found that a good place to get the scoop on things like that are by checking out the blogs of people such as Ross Haflin or Kevin Shirley.
  7. The rumour is that he is working on a new release of The Song Remains The Same and some other LZ releases.
  8. The dude who taught me about LZ and gave me the original vinly pressings - which I still have - was about to go after tickets for the 1980 tour when he heard the news about John Bonham's death.
  9. I wonder how much talking they did to put aside the deal about David B. sueing them or being upset that they went on there after the fact with a different name.
  10. I actually do no have that segment on tape - because I have always detested that band.
  11. No this an old article from 2002 - some radio station picked up on.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krautrock google is your friend
  13. I forgot that one - which is actually a true story. That dude killed himself not long after that was made - I think.
  14. You can tell The Police were about finished there - that was their last shows.
  15. Those ceremonies are shown on VH1 every year - although I forget what year they began showing them. I have all of them on tape.
  16. I think that is what I ment - I did not say it well. Your burg attitude blinded me with science.
  17. You are right - I should have said minus Dune and The Elephant Man.
  18. thanks women in some sort of trouble/women as victims/women harmed by men people who harm women/men who save the women unstable characters who do weird things/weird people who speak truths small town values against a big city atmosphere people/atmosphere that reflects the 50's, even though it is set in the modern day weird sounds/jazz type music from the 50's/60's acts of cruel/humiliating violence etc. Also - I began watching DL films in 1986 - and Blue Velvet may be my favorite movie - so these are just my views.
  19. I would think it is out there to grab - if one so desires.
  20. Better yet - if you have seen one David Lynch film - I sometimes think you have seen them all.
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