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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. The problem here yet again - is that you dudes can not police yourself. It's 10:42 am here where I am, and how many times have you dudes already belittled Jess Flick for reporting ScottHoward? This personal attack humour is a drag - would you treat your wife or mother that way?
  2. You could be the next one to go - hopefully. (El Famous I mean)
  3. 08/03/06 An update from Gary Louris on what he will be busy with in the next few months. Please note that some of these projects are tentative... Mark Olson flew in to Minneapolis so that we could start writing some new material. We are hoping to record a Mark Olson/Gary Louris record sometime in October. It also looks like I will be playing a bit on his solo record which he will also be recording hopefully in October. I am taking a father/son RV trip to Mount Rushmore/The Badlands/The Black Hills in the middle of August....yee haw! I am going to be making a trip to Nashville in late A
  4. Any dude that can recognize a BC song by a lyric fragment is ok in my book.
  5. I would like Jeff Tweedy to know I will miss Lost for the first time ever to go get in line to see his band Wiclo. Since I am going to all the trouble of warming up the Betamax machine, I hope he plays Outta Mind (Outtasite) or Outtasite (Outta Mind) sometime during the cabaret show.
  6. There is only way to say happy birthday in this case.
  7. During this dismal night, it may be remarked that a man would conclude that it was really the intention of the seven mad gods to drown him, despite the abominable injustice of it. For it was certainly an abominable injustice to drown a man who had worked so hard, so hard. The man felt it would be a crime most unnatural. Other people had drowned at sea since galleys swarmed with painted sails, but still -- When it occurs to a man that nature does not regard him as important, and that she feels she would not maim the universe by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temp
  8. I did not think I would ever watch another comedy after Seinfeld went off the air, but I think that show and My Name Is Earl are great.
  9. I should get a job writing for that show - I have stories that people would think were made up - but they are real. I think the first one would be about the day long email chain on whether the copy machine should be left on or turned off every night.
  10. I have rather enjoyed your character since I was about 14 years old.
  11. I don't know - another one of those things I put off - just joking around really.
  12. http://victorian.fortunecity.com/updike/723/page.html here's what the dude was talking about - for those who don't know
  13. I pay on those - I got other debts. Er I mean this guy I know does.
  14. Interesting - one thing I have never paid very much attention to is rock star birth/death dates.
  15. The Nirvana songs I like to listen to: 1. About A Girl 2. All Apologies 3. Aneurysm 4. Breed 5. Breed (rough mix) 6. Curmudgeon 7. D-7 8. Dumb 9. Dumb 2 10. In Bloom 11. Lithium 12. Marigold 13. Milk It 14. Negative Creep 15. Old Age 16. On A Plain 17. Scentless Apprentice 18. Serve The Servants 19. Sliver 20. Territorial Pissings 21. Tourette
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