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roadhse ma

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Posts posted by roadhse ma

  1. She has a blog:




    Really interesting. It seems that she could hear a little before with hearing aids, but nothing like she can now. Matt, she does mention this from the first day her device was turned on:


    "Oh, and on a sidenote.........Lady Gaga sounds horrible on the radio! Just sayin."



    Thanks for Posting the Blog Preferred B!

    This is a Warm Funny Spiriritual Individual... Below is a Paste from here Blog (the Moment She first turns on the Device )


    Then came time to turn it on......I kept moving the remote (I have a remote! I'm part cyborg according to Sloan.......all cyborgs have an on and off button right?!?) Anyway, I'm supposed to hold the remote up to the device implanted in my skull to activate it and I kept moving it which delayed it being turned on. Just about fainted, then 'viola!' it was on. For you mothers out there.......it was like that moment where time stands still as your baby slips into this world.......I just started crying, then crying more because I could hear myself crying. Then laughing, then freaking out over my laugh. That lead to the shakes and partial hyperventillating. Sloan's boisterous laugh and the grins from the docs was the icing on the cake. Then the tapping of the keys as the nurse lady did something on the computer, followed by the remote being set down on the counter.......I could HEAR it!!! Felt like quite the idiot as I left the center (OMG, Sloan just sneezed in the shower, too funny!) grinning ear to ear.........worse case of 'perma-grin' I've ever had!

  2. since early 1900's Think about it the Company his Legacy resides with....


    My Great Grand Parents Era So here comes and there goes Thomas Alva Edison


    The Henry Ford of My Grand Parents Era


    and My Parents the 50's im sure other important items besides Rock & Roll hmm The Pacemaker, TV became popular ,the Pill, Teflon cookware and of course in 1959 The Microchip


    Think about that last one for a moment Steve Jobs started Apple in the 70's less than 20 yrs after the Micro Chip

    and in the early 70's IBM stated we have no use for a mini computer


    from tech support history ...

    Two smart college students, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, built a machine in their parents’ garage, called it Apple and went into business in a modest way.


    So you Steve Jobs left this place better and more efficient than you found it a Truly Great Contributor ....


    Thanks again and a Big Thanks to those at Apple who will carry the Torch and Light other new Fires of Invention

  3. He's great but whenever I see him I can't help thinking of this:


    Yes It all Becomes Clear why they Do not make enough Episodes of Boardwalk Empire

    Arcade Fire is too dam busy

    If the First Episode drew the Picture ; this weeks adding the color. These Characters are now showing their True Colors..

    (I dont want to be too specific to not be a spoiler for people not seen it .


    Watching the 2cd installment of this series after watching Documentary on Prohibition on PBS made for an unusually Good Night of TV

  4. Just got Dark Side Of The Moon on vinyl today. v nice.


    Nothing Eclipses the Moon http://mrtrpt.com/15d

    Saw Roger pull it off Live the whole love er album

    It was pleasant!

    Just saw The Wall Tour Last Fall Seeing Wilco and Waters are the top 2 in the Last 12 months

    With the Pogues Pulling up 3rd!

    Sometime I will start a thread about them but I do not think it will gain much attn

    Back on Point I have been listening to the WALL Live really a suberb recording

  5. Id'e guess Late Dec makes sense if SNL is not in repeats


    To me, in the context of the Letterman performance I saw, it doesn't matter. It would seem inconsequential to do two songs after playing half a concert for the Letterman thing. And I just don't watch SNL. So it's moot. Suppose it would be good exposure for the band though.

    hell ya it would esp if the 16 tying for appearances Mr Baldwin hosts...

  6. More of Whole Love review than Central Park NYT 12 hrs ago see below



    Published: September 25, 2011



    In the rain at Central Park SummerStage on Friday night, Wilcostarted its set by implying that it wasn’t going anywhere soon. No snappy opening ditty for this concert; instead, Wilco played the two extended songs that end and start “The Whole Love,” its new album.



    “This is how I tell it/ O’ but it’s long,” Jeff Tweedy sang to begin “One Sunday Morning,” a prodigal-son tale that has a Grateful Dead lilt, a folky instrumental refrain and jam-band tendrils of overlapping piano and guitar. The song repeatedly dissolved into a psychedelic haze and re-emerged, always stubborn about its leisurely pace. Then came a bristling electronic excursion: the cryptic love song“Art of Almost,” which blipped and buzzed with synthesizers over a motoric ostinato, building to a frenetic squall of guitars.

    It was Wilco staking out some extremes, and they weren’t the only ones the band visited in a 24-song set that included two-thirds of the new album, which is being released on Tuesday. There were Motown stomps, latter-day garage-rock, quietly finger-picked ballads and howling feedback finales. They reflected “The Whole Love,” an album that reinvigorates Wilco after two unnecessarily restrained ones, “Sky Blue Sky” in 2007 and “Wilco (the Album)” in 2009. Even in the three- and four-minute songs that fill most of “The Whole Love” (dBpm/Anti-), Wilco makes room for the obsessive and the otherworldly.

    Wilco has reconnected with its self-reinvention a decade ago, when it was struggling to make and release the album “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.” On that album Wilco opened up its music, letting noise, dissonance and other disruptions transmogrify what had been solid, straightforward roots-rock. Feedback, distortion, avalanches of percussion and stray sound effects might appear in a song at any moment; the reassurance of familiar sounds and structures was joyfully undermined. The band played half of “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” on Friday as well, including a near-apocalyptic crescendo in “I Am Trying to Break Your Heart.”

    By the time “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” appeared in 2002, Mr. Tweedy had ousted his longtime songwriting collaborator, Jay Bennett, from Wilco and replaced the drummer. Since 2004 only Mr. Tweedy and John Stirratt on bass remain from Wilco’s initial lineup. With Nels Cline on lead guitar, Mikael Jorgensen and Patrick Sansone on keyboards and other instruments, and Glenn Kotche on drums, Wilco has become a live band that can go from down-home to hallucinatory — or back — in an instant.

    That’s what it did in “Born Alone,” from the new album, in which Mr. Tweedy observes, “Sadness is my luxury.” Most of the song was forthright folk-rock, yet after a few verses the key shifted with descending chords, steady strumming turned to frantic tremolo, the lead guitar hook danced skyward, and the drumbeat swelled into rumbles and crashes: a glimpse of chaos within.

    It was a measured glimpse and integral to the song. Wilco never applied noise indiscriminately. In songs from the 1990s like “Misunderstood,” guitars and keyboards were stalwart as ever, as the current band dug into the old dynamics. Then and now Mr. Tweedy puts melody first, while his lyrics flicker between the oblique and the candid. On “The Whole Love” he grapples with self-doubt and self-acceptance, and finds a refuge in love. The structures Mr. Tweedy learned from 1960s rock, pop and soul keep his songs sturdy and clear. But the 21st-century Wilco has more than roots and reassurance: it knows that at some truthful moments, things can get unhinged.

  7. For those of you who want to follow the show while staying dry, i'll again be live-tweeting the underwater show tonight from @subtle_sounds. Part of me is looking forward to another Rain-infused Wilco show, a la the first night of Solid Sound this year which was a heck of a lot of fun. It could get pretty miserable out there though...

    Too bad you don't send em in here in groups of 3 or 4 we could have a discussion set watch thread or not..

    Either way If I was in NY id be wearing Rain Gear. It seems like I would have a Great Spot (based on above)

  8. Wilco played Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head* over the sound system before they came out for the Friday night set at Solid Sound this year.



    Springsteen Did that* Prior to Hitting the Stage at Gillette after an hr (T Storms)Delay of course we got Who will stop the rain in the set.


    Loved Runaway Train btw

    Good Luck NYC hope it all works out

  9. Went Tuesday


    Just watched the Letterman* over lunch Highly Reccd ...(running again on Letterman)


    Loved the Show steamrolled right through enjoyed every moment!


    Glad my Daughter (and others from MA) will be seeing em in NYC


    Man I miss those days of Several dates w/ in a 2 hour ride..


    Perhaps will see them on a later winter / early spring to promote SS -3... Hoping!


    *Letterman Link



    nice shots. this one and the Nels one leaning back w/ the light mostly on his face are my faves. btw for clarification, Fighting Tinnitus is not a subsidiary of tinnitus photography :)


    i am kinda bummed to hear that shooters were staged at the wings of the stage edge...had i known that, i would have put in for the show. I did ask the PR rep for shooting restriction clarifications but never heard back, unfortunately.



    what was the general vibe like on the floor? were people standing much of the time? the balcony was reserved...people didn't stand until the encore, and even then it was not a majority...kinda took a bit of the energy out of the show, to be honest.


    I was in Orch. Center Row K Aisle and People to the left of me People to the Right of me and Myself were Dancing or Standing in all the appropriate places..


    Have fun NYC and don't forget the flowers

    um Ponchos

    I hope rain lightens up for them

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