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roadhse ma

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Posts posted by roadhse ma

  1. The Pre Meetup Choice was Great it was Wonderful to Meet thingfishp (George and his Daughter and his Sis and Niece)


    Food was Good Beer Was Tops !The place seemed to keep the table wait short..


    At the Show


    I bought the CD glad it was there! Poster Looked Great Wish it Had it Been a T shirt as well


    Ah the Music What Can I add hmm Nick was Terrific and he seemed to appreciate the Great Crowd response.


    Now the post concert listen and wait blues... (easier to take as for me time goes by)


    See you further on up the road....


    For those looking at Future Dates Magic Awaits

  2. They advertised the streaming 15 mins prior to end of show s/b working


    Good to see them again (just caught em last night in Boston)


    Re Letterman Show Song Choice Born Alone Great Choice !

    Shows what we all know very well

    A band that playing so dam tight and featured some of Nels Slide & Rockin Abilities

  3. A Few thoughts on Last Night


    It was their First Return to Boston since their now growing Legendary Orpheum Shows

    I liked the way they seem to know they set the bar real high by their comment already quoted ...


    However Strong the Love for this band by the audience(myself included)it seems to run both ways.

    After Handshake the Place was on Fire Jeff acknowledged by simply saying Awww Boston.


    The Pre Meetup Choice was Great it was Wonderful to Meet thingfishp (George and his Daughter and his Sis and Niece)

    Food was Good Beer Was Tops !


    I bought the CD glad it was there! Poster Looked Great Wish it Had it Been a T shirt as well


    Ah the Music What Can I add hmm Nick was Terrific and he seemed to appreciate the Great Crowd response.


    Now the post concert listen and wait blues... (easier to take as for me time goes by)


    See you further on up the road....

  4. I would do this at 12:15, but I think strolling in at 7 is much better due to 3 different people's schedules. Plus, getting one person to come over from work in Kendall Square (then leaving us) and then hanging out till 8 is not my idea of fun, especially in the rain. I love Boston, but I'd rather rest up my energy and take my chances later on.


    Any parking or T tips? I know where I'm parking, but if it 's full I guess I'll have to improvise. I'm avoiding the T due to the Red Sox game at 7 which should be out around the time Wilco finishes.

    Re Parking ; Discount look at Lagrange st.


  5. Hope this helps with peoples concern about a Tktless Entry Jam

    from Citi Wang's Wilco Info....


    Home > Wilco Calendar


    9/20/2011 at 8 pm


    ATTENTION FANS: As part of Wilco’s effort to discourage scalping and keep tickets affordable, there is a strict 4-ticket limit per person. Multiple purchases are forbidden and violation of this policy will result in the buyer forfeiting ALL purchased tickets. All tickets will be WILL CALL ONLY and name changes will not be permitted.

    Picking Up Your Tickets:

    • Tickets will be available for ADVANCE PICK-UP at the box office beginning at 12:15pm on the day of the show. Your entire party must be present at the time of pick-up (i.e., if you bought four tickets, all four of you must be there). *No tickets will be issued to incomplete parties.*

    • Guests choosing ADVANCE PICK-UP will be issued a wristband, and only those wristbanded guests (with their tickets in hand) will be able to enter the venue through a priority entrance any time after doors open.

    • Valid photo ID and credit card used to purchase the tickets are required for ticket pick-up.

    • Tickets are non-transferable, and name changes on ticket orders are not permitted under any circumstances. If your photo ID does not match the name on your ticket order, you will be denied entry to the venue.

    • Doors open at 6:15pm. The show is scheduled to begin at 8:00pm. • All guests picking up tickets after doors open are required to immediately enter the venue. Exit and re-entry will not be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and we look forward to a great night with Wilco! If you have any questions about your ticket order, please call 866-348-9738.

  6. Ooh, how exciting for you! Be sure to ask Jeff one of those questions in the "if I could ask Jeff one question" thread.

    Thanks will look it over...

    Back on topic

    Jacob Wirth Link is Above It appears that 30 or more VCR's are going to show or tapped into this thread and 1 earlier.

    Look for the Wilco Shirts or Easygoing, Engaging People and you will find one another!

    footnote Weather Tuesday 9/20 ; Some sun, a shower H68°F L58°F

    oh yes and only 1 bathroom in Jakes

  7. Bono: My wife and I were traveling around Ireland after we graduated from college and both being U2 fans we thought we'd cruise by their studio when we went through Dublin and, as it turns out, they were there in the adjacent warehouse/building rehearsing for the Elevation Tour. We just happened to be there in the final stages of rehearsal before the tour and heard essentially their entire tour set (as it was in the building next to the studio it wasn't sound-proofed). A few minutes after the set was over the garage door rolls up and Bono drives out of the studio garage, pulls his car to the side of the road (we were listening from the sidewalk opposite the studio) and gets out to say hello to us. He could have easily simply driven by and we would have never even known it was him. He asks us all about our trip and drew a picture for my wife. When our chat was over he asked us if we had walked to the studio (it's in a kind of industrial area, but only about a 10 minute walk from the city proper) and we told him yes. He told us to get in and drove us back into town. He told me to sit up front with him, so I rode shotgun in Bono's car. There's more to the story, but that's the gist.


    Brandi Carlile: We used to go see her play every Sunday night at a local pub here in Seattle. She had to compete with the clanging dishes and belligerent drinkers. Paid rehearsal, but still pretty special to witness as it was clear she was going places. I taped several of those shows and talked to her and her band a bit. By the end she was getting a bit fed up with the grind of playing for mostly strangers I think, but she broke out just after that. Still hard to make sense of it all when I hear those same songs on TV or covered by Adele.


    I always seem to run across Eddie Vedder at the airport, but have never gone up to him to say hello.

    Great Story! Especially liked the average joe attitude of Bono Saw Brandi C here in Boston 1st pass through she signed a CD for my Daughter very welcoming. Good you made some tapes eh?


    patrick moraz didn't play on the GFTO tour. he only played on relayer. wakeman was back for GFTH.

    So Glad you Chimed In

    So right it must have been Relayer a Great Album in its own Right for me a Touch better than Going 4 the 1

    I have thankfully Met Rick Wakeman buts that's actually reserved for the 2000 update if I get that far w/ this

    Saw R Wakeman In the same spot our Boys are Playing in Tues was called Music Hall then...

    R Wakeman was Doing King Arthur / Knights of Round Table then Way back in the Seventies

    I was a Froshman in HS

  9. I guess I will Go In Order of ERA of their Music and Not in one sitting too long to type and bore you with.


    Oldest Performers For me Way Back In the 70s


    Chuck Berry Met him late 70's at a R&R Revival Show I was in HS and we snuck backstage He was Lukewarm at best..


    Bo DIddley Met him in the Green Room After a Show in Boston (my Friends Band were his Backing Musicians He and Chuck Berry Traveled that way Figuring Local Muscians Would know their Material um yes ...

    BO was One of the Warmest Guys Really Mellow We ate Pizza and He Spoke Of the Road and Muddy and his Son I will never forget him.


    YES Jon Anderson as Well as most of the Rest of the Band Going for the One Tour Truly just BSd my way Backstage Prior to Show Saying to Security in a Phoney English Accent I was Patrick Moraz Younger Brother Hey went to 2 People only and I was in..Fun ?Yes!

    No Passes Reqd No Crazy Stuff

    Spent Most of the Time talking w/ Jon (really easy to talk w/) He told me about his upcoming solo project..Most of remaing time I spent talking with Steve Howe's Guitar Techie (phrase not yet invented im sure)He showed me a row of 17 Guitars Steve Travelled.

    Steve was amped and ready to go pacing well before showtime Thankfully I did not run into then Keyboardist Patrick Moraz but had 20 mins of Fun Ok some Beer (Underage just by a yr 17 legal was 18) and scurried back to my then Girlfriend.


    Actually I would be Remiss if I did not include a Local Boston Garage Band that went National albeit Briefly in the 60's

    Moulty and the Barbariens; Are you a Boy or are you a Girl Biggest hit !

    That got him on the Tammi Show w/ the Stones.

    Anyway I worked with and hung out with and liked a girl (dam always about a girl right?) Anyway she was into Karate yep so I got into Karate.(Told it w/b boring) But a guy vying for her also was a R& R One Armed Drummer Named Moulty and he was the Karate Instructor. So It ends well they get Married. I get in shape and to this day were still friends,..no really ck em out on you tube

    Well in the late 70s Moulty went back into same Studio where Aerosmith's 1st Album was made ,and it was Fun !

    He never did a Solid comeback but it was Fun!


    more later or not ........

  10. Review by Lee Zimmerman of Palm Beach Broward Times

    Abridged ...

    The truth is, Roger still looks remarkably vibrant these days, still tousle-haired, tanned, and boasting a youthful flush that belies his age. Ever agile, he's still a confident front man, able to twirl a microphone without fumbling it and wail away on harp, competently strum a guitar and even pick away on ukulele when he has to. If his voice doesn't quite pack a youthful bluster or muster the bravado it once did, it still comes close to hitting the high notes and expressing an undiminished authority. Besides, any lapses are more than made up for by the way he tempers his tone with sentiment and sensitivity. The Tommy track list and its added material span more than two hours and demand both force and nuance, traits that Daltrey still seems to possess.


    That's fortunate because it was apparent that those who filled the nearly sold-out auditorium were devoted Who fanatics that expected no less. And on that score Daltrey didn't disappoint. He tore through Tommy with a veracity that rivaled his performances of old, turning signature songs like "Pinball Wizard," "I'm Free" and the soaring conclusion, "We're Not Gonna Take It" into the obvious anthems that Townshend had always intended them to be. The crowd erupted at the first strums that signaled "Pinball Wizard" and by the time Tommy reached its conclusion with the famous "Listening to you" refrain, the audience was on its feet and cheering along. Likewise, when Daltrey augmented the Tommy tunes with Who classics like "Baba O'Reiley," "Who Are You," "I Can See For Miles" and "Going Mobile" (mostly sung by Simon Townshend, who replicated his brother's vocals to a tee), the audience was equally inspired, responding with a frenzy that matched the reactions the Who once received in their heyday.


    A few unexpected entries were also slipped into the set list, among them "Giving It All Away," the Leo Sayer-penned song that appeared on Daltrey's initial solo album and a track which he claimed he had never sung before in concert. A Johnny Cash medley found him effective in a lower register, while a take on Taj Mahal's "Rider" practically became an opus all its own. And when he turned a lilting read of another of his solo standouts, "Without Your Love," into an appreciative thank you for fan devotion, Daltrey's tender touch prevailed.


    Still, it was that hoary rock opera that all had come to witness, and the reward was a reading that was both credible and compelling. If Daltrey and his deaf, dumb and blind boy alter-ego are no longer as inseparable as they once seemed, he proved he's still adept at slipping back into character. And for him, it's a lot less awkward than it would be for any of us who might opt to reclaim our former selves from 40 years before. Unlike our old bellbottoms and tie-dyed tees, in Daltrey's capable hands, Tommy still wears well.


    Critic's Notebook


    Personal bias: I'd rank the Who among my top five favorite bands of all time, and having caught several concerts by the group's original foursome, a performance by only one of their members might pale in comparison. Still, seeing one quarter of that combo is better than seeing none, and in his role as front man, Daltrey carries the legacy well.


    Random detail: Since this was the first date of his new tour, it was only natural that there were a few flubs, mainly in terms of some occasional false starts. "There were a few senior moments," Daltrey admitted at Tommy's conclusion.


    By the way: Having guitarist Simon Townshend (Pete's brother) on board lends further credence to this revival. The rest of the band was equally impressive. In fact, Daltrey's backing band -- Townshend, Frank Simes (guitar), Scott Deavours (drums), Jon Button (Bass) and Loren Gold (Keyboards) -- is the best Who cover band one would ever want to see. Kudos to Deavours in particular for ably replicating Keith Moon's reckless, relentless technique.


    Set List


    Tommy Overture

    It's a Boy


    Amazing Journey


    Eyesight to the Blind


    Cousin Kevin

    The Acid Queen

    Fiddle About

    Pinball Wizard

    There's a Doctor I've Found

    Go to the Mirror Boy

    Tommy Can You Hear Me

    Smash the Mirror


    I'm Free

    Miracle Cure

    Sally Simpson


    Tommy's Holiday Camp

    We're Not Gonna Take It

    I Can See For Miles

    Who Are You

    Behind Blue Eyes

    Giving It All Away

    Days of Light


    Going Mobile

    Johnny Cash Medley

    Young Man Blues

    Baba O'Riley

    Without Your Love

    Blue, Red and Grey


    Footnote Saw him w/this Band 18 mo's Ago ; Money Well Spent (Seeing again Sat.)

  11. For those of us who will be seeing Nick Lowe opening on this tour, and for anyone else generally interested in what Nick's up to these days, nice piece on him in today's NY Times:



    Good Article I knew Johnny Cash liked and recored Lowes writing but never knew of a Father -in law connection.

    On that matter here's what wiki has


    In 1979, Lowe married country singer Carlene Carter, daughter of fellow country singers Carl Smith and June Carter Cash and stepdaughter of Johnny Cash.[5] He adopted her daughter, Tiffany Anastasia Lowe. The marriage ended in 1990, but they remained friends, and Lowe remained close to the Carter/Cash family. He played and recorded with Johnny Cash, and Cash recorded several of Lowe's songs. Lowe's first son, Roy Lowe, was born in 2005.

    Thanks for Posting on Lowe he seems like a Good Guy to Have a Cup of Joe with!

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