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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Who would have become big fans of Radiohead with that album? Most people I know caught onto them with The Bends and a few, myself included, really liked Pablo Honey.

    Me, actually. My dad got me Pablo Honey right around when OK Computer came out because he read a review and thought I might like the band. I had no idea who they were and really liked Pablo Honey and then went from there.


    Pablo Honey is definitely an album that I like a lot,.

  2. One thing to note with any tube amps is that if you want a really warm tone they need to be just loud enough to "open up." It's kind of hard to quantitatively describe, but you'll hit a certain volume and the tone on the amp will sound more open and rich. Turning your amp up to that volume may be exactly what you're looking for (hopefully it's not too loud!) but otherwise I'd recommend just playing around with your guitar and amp tone controls and seeing what sounds good to you. I know a friend of mine had a Classic 30 and liked it a lot especially for lap steel playing.

  3. Roger, wilco.


    Tweedy said once in an interview he just flipped through a dictionary once really quickly because they needed a name for something, a show I presume.

    I could be wrong but I think the flipping through the dictionary was Uncle Tupelo (two random words, essentially).


    Will comply is what I've always subscribed to.

  4. Brian Eno (producer/musician)

    Definitely. Though I'd probably be more obnoxious (ie. telling him how awesome such and such recording is) than actually productive :stunned


    I'd also be interested to hear how Jim O'Rourke would mix/produce anything I did, he alternately puts space and sound around recordings that really makes them stand out.


    PopTodd (vocalist/musician)

    PopTodd (producer/musician)

    PopTodd (producer/musician)

    PopTodd (musician/producer)

    PopTodd (musician)

    PopTodd (musician/producer)


  5. I've got an idea for Mr. Protester...when the garbage truck comes by his house Monday, he has to pay them to take his garbagee off. Want to go to the Libraray? Well...you have to pay to borrow those books bud? If that darn rent house catches on fire? Well, better have your master card number ready for the fire department motherfucker.


    Property Taxes are the price you pay for civilization.



    Yeah, exactly.


    Nobody is making him own property either, if he doesn't want it I'm sure he can sell it.

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