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Posts posted by deepseacatfish

  1. I don't think CD's are dead. Dying as the primary form of sales...yes, dead? No.


    Cd's are still quite profitable, and there are plenty of people out there (like me) who like to purchase a physical product. Given how little it costs to press cd's I can't imagine any smart record label wouldn't want to still press cd's. Maybe not in the same numbers, but enough to satiate the demand. Yes, vinyl will definitely satisfy some collectors but I think that until another mass physical format comes into being the cd will remain a strong market force.


    Mp3's and other digital media will definitely become the central means of music sales and consumption, for better or worse. They are extremely portable, easy to disseminate, cheap from a manufacturing standpoint, and cheaper to consumers who want to have more and more media of all types. Most digital formats do compress audio, but most people aren't audiophiles and aren't listening to their music on high end systems (or even using it for more than background). I don't think it's a bad thing, it's just how people want to consume their music.

  2. Not really annoyed, and yes I do care about these things and follow the news. I just don't really care about the "NEW WORLD ORDER" conspiracy. And I don't know that the G20 meetings are any more than largely a symbolic action to put people/businesses at ease.

  3. How so? Ultimately this will be overturned by the supreme court...unless the make up of the court changes drastically over the next couple years, and I don't see that happening.

    How so? All the ruling asserted was that there was no constitutional reason in Iowa to deny same-sex couples marriage. Unless there is a US constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage the Supreme Court has no reason to overturn the ruling as far as I can tell.


    I realize some people may be morally/religiously opposed to same-sex marriage, but read the court's justification on their ruling...it makes a very good, very constitutionally grounded case for why this ruling is correct.

  4. Thanks for bumping this, I missed this thread when I was gone for a week. New Califone has me wicked excited :dancing :dancing :dancing


    The mugging is terrible, glad he's alright now though. Or as well as you can be.


    I'll probably make this reissue my intro to Red Red Meat, once I have a little more money in my pockets...but I plan to get the full back catalog anyway.

  5. Our younger cat is kind of leash trained (8 month old). We've got a small back patio kind of deal on our apartment and I can take him out there with a leash and harness and he doesn't have any problems with it. He's also a very easy going cat...so I'm sure that helps.

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