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Everything posted by skybats

  1. my top 30 in no order! that's not the issue it's just that simple should've been in love sunken treasure the lonely one misunderstood monday red eyed and blue i got you hotel arizona at least thats what you said handshake drugs theologins the late greats you are my face impossible germany a shot in the arm pieholden suite via chicago summer teeth you never know i am trying to break your heart ashes of american flags poor places california stars at my window sad and lonely airline to heaven remember the mountain bed cars can't escape more like the moon i think all of those are greatness!!!!
  2. how about the possibility of them playing that live on this mini tour of the south?
  3. Bedhead - Crushing To be crushed is not to be, hidden and left to recover It's to be left untouched, unable to pass from one place to another To be crushed is not to be, held down by some minor influence It's to be left alone, with nothing that understands To be drowning is not to be, suffering some cruel fate It should be taken as a blessing, and maybe even a gift from god But I have never seen him give anything away and I have never known him to have anything to say Which is why I have never felt any real need to pray
  4. http://forums.viachicago.org/uploads//monthly_04_2011/post-27554-0-56269300-1301949740_thumb.jpg
  5. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f1/Everythinginbetween.jpg
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