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Everything posted by RainDogToo

  1. How about Heartless Bastards- The Mountain? It's one of my favorites of the year.
  2. http://www.spinner.com/2009/10/07/dr-dog-cope-with-being-the-weirdest-band-in-the-world/
  3. I cannot stand Andy Samberg's digital shorts. The only one I ever thought was funny was "Lazy Sunday!" Samberg is the same in every skit, he just makes ridiculous faces and uses annoying voices. And Keenan Thompson is only good when he's playing Whoopi Goldberg or Bill Cosby, other then that- to me he is simply never funny. I really miss Tina Fey as head writer... I don't care for Seth Meyers at all. I just can’t even watch weekend update anymore.
  4. When are the archives usually put up?
  5. For those people interested iClips is Streaming ACL this weekend. Dr. Dog is scheduled to go on today at 3:30 (CDT). http://iclips.net/acl2009.php
  6. Too bad they had to break up... and...
  7. Scott talks about the new album and mentions Jeff!! Also awesome that the Dr. Dog guys are such huge Tom Waits fans... makes me love them even more!! http://atlanta.metromix.com/music/article/dr-dog-the-news/1473435/content
  8. Scott McMicken talks about the upcoming Dr. Dog album "Shame, Shame" and its sound!!! Rest of the article here: http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/aznightbuzz/311063
  9. Tom Waits- Glitter & Doom Live Release Date: 11/24/2009 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=18220881&st=tom+waits&type=product&id=2051846
  10. Surprise! Water Found On Moon's Surface http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=113159860&sc=fb&cc=fp
  11. Yeah, and that wasn't even the whole setlist either, only what I could remember. They did about 7-10 more songs. And yeah, "Fat Dog" is a song that they've had for a while now. They actually wanted to put it on one of the last three albums, but said they couldn't find a place for it. So, when they sang it at Musikfest, Scott did announced it as a new one! I think it's a great song and I hope it is on the new album. I actually have a live version from a few years ago and I can send you if you want.... just have to find it first.
  12. Can't stop listening to this... it's so good!! Anyone else download it?
  13. I've heard the same thing said about that Montauk monster.
  14. I was just thinking the other day how crazy it is that he only has one live album out! I mean “Big Time” is an awesome record, but considering how he is famous for his live performances, it just has boggled my mind that there is only one out there. Now with “Big Time” being over 20 years old, I do think it’s a great time for another one! Can't wait to see the tracklist!
  15. Yeah, it is... but hopefully with this live album Tom will have a surpise or two in store for us.
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