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Everything posted by RainDogToo

  1. Well… I wouldn’t necessarily call ‘Rain Dogs’ the definitive album for me. That’s just the one that I first heard when I started to really get into Waits… I guess that’s when you can say it all clicked for me, though. Plus, I just love the whole concept behind the name. I think it’s almost impossible for me to pick a favorite Tom Waits album. I honestly love every single one of them for what they are! But yeah, ‘Real Gone’ is a magnificent album and you’re right about it being highly underrated!
  2. Free Glitter and Doom Live Album Preview http://www.tomwaits.com/news/article/60/Topspin_Widget_Test/ BTW: Tom's new website http://www.tomwaits.com/ is very cool... I recommend visiting it- you will not be disappointed!!
  3. Yes! They are quickly becoming my favorite band as well! And you're so welcome for the articles... so excited for their new album! So, far I've heard two new songs live; "Fat Dog" and a nice little ditty called "Jackie Wants a Black Eye." Both were so awesome to get to hear live! So, hearing both those songs and reading about the new sound, I really think that "Shame, Shame" just might be their best album yet.
  4. Dr Dog on tour, playing 'July in Christmas' @ Brooklyn Bowl Dr. Dog (now on Anti-) have announced a December 11th show at Brooklyn Bowl. Tickets go on sale Friday at noon.
  5. The only news I heard as of March 2009 (noted in this thread's first post) was that Tom and Kathleen were writing new songs with plans to record this summer. I guess there will be more news in the new year.
  6. ...well, only the first 8 tracks... but so far, so good/great!!
  7. I pre-ordered the oil stain shirt, booklet bundle! And about the “Big Time” DVD, I've been trying to get the Criterion collection to release it for years, now. I've done so by constantly sending suggestion emails. They responded back to me once by saying "Yeah, that would be very cool..." You can also try sending them too- I would think the more requests the better!
  8. Here's a link to buy both "Glitter and Doom" Live as well as "Orphans" on vinyl: http://www.kingsroadmerch.com/anti-records/
  9. I love all their albums pretty much equally. But I do think they are getting slightly better with each album. And yeah, I too find myself going back to "The Mountain" the most out of all their releases. I'm very excited to see they turn out next! I did just watch an interview with Heartless Bastards at ACL and Erika said that they have the rest of the month off and that they will start working on new material. She said she thinks that T-Rex will be the main influence for this album. She also talked about possibly doing more (either more old country covers or originals material) with her side
  10. Anyone know where I can find the bonus tracks "The Dearly Departed," "Is It Worth My Time" and "Drop Me Off?" I used to have them, but they were lost when my Hard drive crashed. Any help would be very much appreciated!
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