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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. It's funny you mention the Cubs, they had quite a series against the Cards this past weekend.
  2. If you ever see me mention M.Chris and reverse cowgirl in the same sentence, it means i'm dead and posting from heaven. On the Space Giants tip, i've also been watching clips of Spectreman, the Ultraman rip-off, as well.
  3. $10 says that The Dude posts something about how they suck by close of business today.
  4. No, THIS is pure ejaculate of kitsch.
  5. Reason #239 that YouTube is the best invention since the reverse cowgirl... They have the entire first episode of this broken up into bite-sized chapters...I haven't seen this I was in grade school.
  6. I watched 'Jaws 3-D' on AMC a few weeks ago and found it to be even more exciting w/out the assistance of any three-dimensional eyewear.
  7. Oh, probably so...doesn't make this any less stupid.
  8. yeah, this is the same thing. exactly how may alternate definitions of pickaninny are there again?
  9. The best thing politically would be to stay as far away from that tar baby as I can.
  10. This is true, 'they' don't care about (or for) the black people. Never mind, this guy is a dick.
  11. In the context of this speech, he wasn't referring to someone, but something to which another common definition of makes the use both applicable and non-derogatory.
  12. This is the dumbest PC 'uproar' i've heard in a while. Obviously, in context of his speech, the word wasn't used to describe black people. Granted, in today's knee-jerk society, a poltician would have been wise to stay away from it anyhow. Note to self, quit saying 'a chink in the armor' to describe a gap in a program at work.
  13. Farrell and Fox? If I had a list of actor's who most annoy the piss out of me, they'd top it. I do love Mann though. Definitely torn.
  14. 'Are you there God? It's me, Ction.' BTW, i've enjoyed your bee stories. Many years ago, we had a hive that was on the underside of the front of my folks house, that allowed several of the bastards to get into my room. It was not fun.
  15. 'I thought he couldn't be a bigger tool, But I was WRONG.'
  16. as are the Cardinals!! St. Louis 4 Chi Scrubs 5 Thu, Jul 27 - Final St. Louis 5 Chi Scrubs 6 Fri, Jul 28 - Final St. Louis 2 Chi Scrubs 4 Sat, Jul 29 - Final St. Louis 3 Chi Scrubs 6 Sun, Jul 30 - Final
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