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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. That's why i'd only like to see him disfigured...except for his hands. Kate, I also saw that bio on Jenna...makes me wonder if she signed a pre-nup. That's quite an empire she's amassed from her hoo-ha and her husband was a big part of the operation.
  2. It's very well-documented on film that she's into chicks, but c'mon... My wife absolutely despises Navarro after seeing how much of a priss he was on that reality show and had Jane's not been one of my favorite bands in High School/College, I would too. On top of that, I can't stand Jamie Foxx. So, what i'm saying, is that if I had some sort of all-encompasing editorial power over the universe as we know it...that press release would look more like this:
  3. Four tunes from the new DJ Shadow album. Hot shit, this is gonna' be good.
  4. Happy birthday, rich. Hope it's the Jim J's Bollocks.
  5. Still, to this day, every time i'm about to open a door to a conference room for a meeting...a little part of me hopes that instead of another boring dog and pony of powerpoint slides, I walk into... THIS ...instead. Still one of my favorite videos of all time.
  6. and, in the same 'disturbing things that happen over dinner' vein as that KISS video... My buddies and I used to repeat the Dad's line during lulls in conversation all the time in High School, plus the synchronized slo-mo windmills from Bret and Bobby at the crescendo of this masterpiece of a video make Pat Sansone look like a chump.
  7. Again, to even imply that she 'deserved' it...that's what makes him a dick. Outside of that, anybody who doesn't know by now that this world is full of scary motherfuckers and that you can't expect bad things like this to happen, just because it's wrong...living in a dream world. Sad, but true.
  8. He's a total ass for the implication that she was 'asking for it'...but the overall statement that she was a moron for walking alone, drunk, by the Hudson River is dead on. It doesn't absolve the the ghoul who did this of guilt, but for God's sake...nobody should be that stupid.
  9. Maybe it's the mook frat boy in me, but I love those type of movies and that was a good one. Granted, it was Remember the Titans (Basketball version), but I liked it a lot. I missed that Gene Simmons show, how was it? Does Shannon Tweed vaccum the house in the buff? Does Gene spit blood and breathe fire all over the kids when they get in trouble at school? Any impromptu jam sessions on Detroit Rock City w/ the ghost of Paul Lynne and Witchiepoo from the Puffenstuff show? and, yes, the correct answer is 'Cold Gin'.
  10. That video is nothing short of fantastic. Fucking awesome. Actually, their first album had some really solid power pop on it... ...but I have no idea how their latest album turned out.
  11. 'Mom always said: "Don't Play Ball in the House".'
  12. My suggestion is to go to an electronics store that deals in TV's and home theatres...whatever you have locally that's like The Little Guys Home electronics here in Chicagoland...this whole thing is too complex an issue to get guidance from here on and they can walk you hrough to get exactly what you need. All I know is that the quality of a program in HD is mind-numbingly clearer than on a regular TV and I can't wait until the technology is more commonplace so the price goes down...no way I can afford it right now.
  13. I have a last minute conference call and then I plan on ditching work to celebrate...the Summer...of Nathan...a non-stop celebration. The summer of Nathan is a non-stop celebration.
  14. Yeaaahhhh, i'm thinking that i'm not going to finish that mix today ad it would entail me staying indoors for a few more hours than I really want to on a day like this. Monday. Fo'sho.
  15. Not the new album by The Avalanches thread I thought it was.
  16. Actually, the first one may be a better primer...but you can always try this one and i'll see if I can repost the other.
  17. ONE, TWO. REPRESENT, REPRESENT. BTW, Sir S and anybody else interested in the hippity hop...it's only taken 6-7 months, but the highly-anticpated follow-up 'SON OF MIXTAPE MANIFESTO' is looking like it'll be fresh off the grill at some point this afternoon. Some last minute entries to the tracklist popped up and gotta' whip up the art. Then, I need to confer w/ you and the Ghost of Carlos about a collaboration of sorts...
  18. Word. I still flip through it @ the record store, but it's in the same way i'll flip through a copy of US. Total junk food.
  19. Portrait studio and thanks...they were champs the whole time.
  20. Subway. Logan wouldn't let the wife put him down and she had no patience to fix dinner. Afterwards, she went to Costco and I helped Owen battle the sleep monster until he finally zonked out. They had formula and pureed avacado.
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