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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Happy B-day to my fellow breast enthusiast and objectifyer! As Professor Zappa once so wisely said...TITTIES & BEER, TITTIES & BEER, TITTIES & BEER!
  2. Not a euphemism. I love spending time w/ them. However, with the recent foray into feeding that doesn't involve a bottle...i'm a little worried I won't have a mutiny on my hand. We had feeding two at the same time via the bottledown pat, but now one boy freaks when he sees the other getting spoonfed, etc. Several times in the past two weeks i've arrived at home to find my wife absolutely beaten down. I can only sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight/Yellow Submarine and make funny noises so many times.
  3. I'm on vacation for the next 5 days...watching the boys and having an electrician over to do some work tomorrow, massive yardwork during the day and watching the boys Saturday evening, putting up some drywall on Sunday and watching the boys on Monday. Yep...'vacation'. However, plan for Friday is to take O & Lo downtown for the first time...stroll around Millennium Park, picnic and let them survey the city they'll be enjoying in so many ways as they grow up. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
  4. Another reason he should be fired. C'mon Kate, had the Cards been the ones sweeping you woulda' been on here gloating like nobody's business. In an abysmal year overall, it's all i could ever ask for as a Cubs fan.
  5. Hamas camp: Sun, fun ... indoctrination What Palestinians view as respite from poverty, Israelis call terror training for youth Matthew B. Stannard, Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, July 31, 2005 Seventeen-year-old Osama Abu Asi knows what Hamas stands for: swimming lessons, horseback riding, potato sack races and other summertime fun -- including religious education and paramilitary training. This is summer camp in the Gaza Strip, as organized by Harakat al-Moqawama al-Islamiyah, the Islamic Resistance Movement, better known as Hamas -- which is officially regarded by the United States a
  6. What that ring has to do with... ...i'm not sure, but okay. Besides, 9 games out of first and a half game away from having to share the the Wild Card spot...looking good, looking good.
  7. but you've seen proof that they aren't? good gravy, this place sometimes. wow.
  8. i'll pick on you for being both a sox and a cardinals fan...but unless you've died your hair blonde and that's you in that shot, I was hardly picking on you about your weight, kiddo. that said...*cough*sweep*cough*
  9. Yes, that's exactly what it is. Oh, c'mon. Lighten up. Jesus.
  10. as do I w/ the duder frat boy cubs fan. thanks for pointing it out. besides, you don't have enough tatoos and do have way too may teeth to be the stereotypical sox fan.
  11. and some people devote their life to humanitarian work becuase they are motivated by a dogmatic organized religion. my point is, it's how certain individuals choose to follow that are more at fault. it annoys me when people say that all organized religion is bad, because of things like this...it's amateur-hour and perpetuating that statement allows indivudals to shirk responsibilities for their own actions.
  12. That's a pretty sweeping statement about organized religion...
  13. Let me guess...while other kids your age were ringing doorbells, you were in 'Nam.
  14. obnoxious fan? at the cell? no way?! that's only at wrigley!
  15. Who does that in an apartment complex?! There's limited spaces to hide and getaway routes. She should have been grounded for a month of those facts alone. That sucks about her friend's Mom...was it Em's idea? If not, she shouldn't be punished like that.
  16. Yeah, i'm a huge fan of movies so bad that they are good...however, from the preview I saw of that flick, it's just going to be bad. The droves of folks who go to see it based solely off of the viral hype from the web joke about it are going to feel like idiots. I hope i'm wrong, but I still think it's great that this stupid flick will make huge $ on opening weekend from a goofy internet joke.
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