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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Beltmann, I watched Rush Hour 2 again this weekend. That's some powerful motherfucking chemistry going on in that flick and it's got Alan Fucking King! If you haven't seen it already, you should check it out.
  2. Seriously, though, I don't think we've mocked the very concept of this thread nearly enough yet.
  3. I'm not a superfan or anything, but didn't a lot of tracks from previous albums change lyrically from their live debuts once they were put on wax? Some of the best tunes lyrically on Ghost were amalgamations of different pieces of his poetry. If history repeats itself, what you're listening to now may not be what hits the shelves.
  4. When is the new Cursive supposed to be out and is at as good as the few tracks i've heard so far? I'm intrigued.
  5. Going back to this one. There are some stinkers, but it's fun.
  6. Saw the preview last time we went to the show, the movie actually looks semi-funny too.
  7. Oh, I don't doubt that at all...there are plenty of other bands i'd love to see the same day. I'm just on a tighter leash socially, is all. Going to wait until the boys are a little older (and mobile) before I bring them along to something like this.
  8. I'm kidding, sort of. While I enjoy their earlier stuff a lot more (will go so far to say that 'Mother's Milk' is one of my personal classics), i've dug their last few albums. So, by your defintion of someone who enjoys their music, i'm nothing more than a fan of 'easy, comfortable, inoffensive music with neither the means nor the inclination to find music that isn't forcefed to me by the majors and the radio stations in their pay.' My iTunes library and CD collection would state otherwise, but whatever you say Ro. The wig comment was just a playful snap on the flogging of classical music in
  9. Seriously, though, I don't think we've mocked the very concept of that thread nearly enough yet.
  10. Really? Is there an official spelling for the word? It struck me as one of those words one could pretty much have artistic license with.
  11. I'll admit that I still have not bought and or/really listened to their new one...I listened to the stream of it before it came out and, while it wasn't bad, it didn't hook me. That ESPN thing is pretty funny...and, yes, Smith really is a total doofus.
  12. Seriously, though, I don't think we've mocked the very concept of this thread nearly enough yet.
  13. The flaw in that rationale is your defintion of boring and/or beautiful versus someone else's.
  14. He offered me some of his ice cream at an AC Newman show I went to a few years ago...I politely declined.
  15. or, conversely, What is Craft? ARTS & CRAFTS.
  16. Oy. Extend your pinky finger and loosen up the powdered wig, Amadeus.
  17. It isn't and I never said it was. It's all personal opinion...that's what i've been saying all along.
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