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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Easy, chinstrap. I wasn't being judgemental...merely expressing my opinion. Get fucked up/crazy w/ your posse and go see it again, won't cause a ripple in my space-time continuim or anything.
  2. We used to spin that thing constantly in college. Funny and totally hardcore at the same time...WAY before Eminem.
  3. At least I try to pick you up in K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider or the A-Team van to give you a ride a little bit of the way. M.Chris...Enjoy some more if you wanna'. They really do rock all sorts of bells. I hadn't thought about them forever, but bought my first Stussy tee in over 15 years after finding one in a Burlington Coat factory outlet store.
  4. with an excellent choice of using some boss Yoshitomo Nara in your avatar, you should have a lot more.
  5. 'Higher than the Sun'? Fuck yeah, I did know it. Yay me. M.Chris, said pic is from an old school advertisements I used to see in TransWorld Skateboarding magazine for one of my favorite clothing lines from back in the day... these pretty much rule too:
  6. Yeah, that's the thing...I don't really want to have to get fucked up to go to the movies. I did that once in High School, but had already seen the movie once before...Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. A good movie, B or otherwise, shouldn't have to require chemical alteration to enjoy. Just my opinion though.
  7. Dude, I know...I never said you never actively listened to rap. Again, I was commenting on how weird it was, in general, to say that you wouldn't take the time away from things you know you'll enjoy to make time for something you don't know. Calling you Maynard had notthing to do w/ anything...I was just goofing around...it's from a cream of wheat commercial where a kid tells his little brother that the COW is 'good stuff, maynard' or, if you want, it's slang for 'moron'. take your pick.
  8. Said clip was used in some song, likely from some britpop or electronica group, I listened to in college. I wanna' say Primal Scream, but I know that's not it and it's going to bug me.
  9. Yeah, martial arts...not acting in general. I guess his body has taken some major damage over the years and he's hit a limit.
  10. That comment had nothing to do w/ you ever hearing rap or not...you said off the bat you hear it as background noise. Thanks for weighing in though. Awesome.
  11. you may have never owned a Public Enemy album until the last couple of years, but it's awesome shit like that gives you street cred for miles and miles.
  12. Also, I don't know i'm a completist, but I do own a copy of this and still have never read it:
  13. I hear you and totally forgot to put down Malcom X...that film was incredible. I don't think i ever saw Clockers, but will have to remedy that. To completely backtrack to a previous conversation, I had no idea Jet Li was or maybe still is going to retire...he brought up that movie w/ Jackie in a little sidebar interview I saw in some magazine.
  14. My pal Elvis's freshman year roommate, Sideshow Bob, could make a bong out of anything. He was the MacGyver of bongs...BongGyver.
  15. Just because you don't dig something after trying it out, hardly makes you hopeless. Mr. H, do you dig on jazz at all? I have a handful of tunes based more around that than the R&B that you might dig...only if you'd be interested...and if you're not, it's all good.
  16. You set up a cafepress store w/ that pic and i'll buy a t-shirt, tote bag and kitchen apron.
  17. That's the thing, E. I just saw it and don't really 'get' the ending. Maybe it was too abrupt or that I was expecting some clever, complex explanation for the caper that wasn't there. It just seemed too simple. I love Spike's earlier works (DTRT, School Daze, Mo' Better, The Mars Blackman Nike commercials) and some other occasional things he's put out since here and there (He Got Game)...i'm not really to sure what that Katrina doc will show me that I didn't see while glued to the TV.
  18. that's pretty silly, maynard. how the hell you ever gonna' like something if you've never heard it for the first time? i mean, I get the whole time-crunch thing...i don't get around to checking out 75% of what gets posted on here because I just don't have time. but, i try to make some time whenver possible and the internets have made that a lot easier.
  19. Those babies are looking pretty damn cute, Mr. K. Also, i'm thinking about setting up a cafepress store where you can buy a t-shirt w/ a picture of Mr. K. wearing the a-man t-shirt...or a t-shirt w/ a picture of a-man wearing a t-shirt w/ a picture of Mr. K. wearing the a-man t-shirt on it. Maybe, just a tee w/ a picture of the Hamburger Pimp from Dolemite on it instead.
  20. Beltmann's last post summed up exactly why i'll wait until it's out on DVD...or cable...or, maybe, just not see it at all.
  21. It's all good. Again though, 'hip-hop radio' today is a poor representative of the art. Plus, 'hip hop style' can mean a million different things...just like rock, there are so many mutations of it.
  22. Nice list Matt...Cypress Hill's first joint was tight and both EPMD and Kane would be in the next 10 down my list for sure.
  23. I didn't know we could could count an entire catalog as one spot. Great list, not a clinker on it anyhwere.
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