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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. The asian chick, funny enough, is actually way up the totem pole as far as our designers go. Just had a kid a year ago too. Still, she dresses like a rock star...an incredibley attractive rock star. I can't help it...I appreciate the female form. Sue me.
  2. word. personally, I have fond memories of giving beatdowns and blasting New Jack Hustler over the summer before I went back to school. okay, no actual beatdowns were given...but I did rock that track a lot.
  3. I have been teamed up on a project w/ a smokin' hot black chick w/ bangin headlights and backside and the only way I could focus less is if they added the smoking hot asian girl that wears tight sweaters and leather pants to work to the team. Goddamn.
  4. Beltmann, the next pick coming from Netflix is my wife's...did you see 'RV' and, if so, will I burst into flames if I watch it? I'd rather get drunk w/ WITHIK and go whoop it up at Snakes on a Plane than watch it...but I may not have a choice.
  5. I might have just gone up and said something like: 'hate to bug you, but i'm a huge fan of your work and just wanted to take the opportunity to tell you...so, props and thanks for all the good shit.' Most famous folks I have had the nerve to approach are usually cool w/ that. That said, it is always tough to get the gumption up to approach them to actually say it. Either way, that's way cool Matt.
  6. That would definitely be in my Top 20. Nice call, Kyle.
  7. Dude, why wouldn't you go up and say hi?! or, at least, when his cell blew up you could have said: 'phone is ringing...oh my god.'
  8. I've always wonder why they call it subpar, when par is a good thing in golf.
  9. No sir, no Oink access...I have some things to figure out before signing up. No worries, if you find it...let me know.
  10. Suck! It says the EP was released on UK iTunes in March, but I can't get it on the US version. Rich or anybody else from the VC UK branch offices, do you have this? Full album, I guess. I'd like to hear that EP. Sounds really good!
  11. Oh. hell. yes. That is awesome. Did you see the other vid/track they have on their site? Even Better! I loved the Beta Band, but these two tracks make me think i'm going to love this even more. When is this supposed to come out?!
  12. "You've got the body, now you want my soul"...nah, can't have none of that, tell 'em what to say Mase: "Say no go...Say no go...Don't even think about it, say no go."
  13. The Predator is a fantastic album, the track 'Wicked' is still one of my favorites of all time. I have been on a Pete Rock binge lately, that man can make some serious magic. also, that Craig Mack album is the shit.
  14. I'm always up for arguing the counterpoint, but W, performance-wise, in office has blown any modicum of respect i'd give to an acting President out of the water. I don't think he should be hung on a cross, but he has fucked up things for a while to come.
  15. St. g, yes, I like thee Mudhoney band as well. Like the movie even better.
  16. This is the post where, in real life I laugh in front of my PC and, on here, I act like I don't know you. I'm sorry, who are you again?
  17. I've been looking into Talib Kweli a little more...his new single is pretty awesome. That list is straight up gangster. i'd expect no less from you, imdwhiteversionofT-moneyfromyo!mtvraps.
  18. Nel Cimitero Di Tucson - Gianfranco Reverberi It's the tune they sampled for Gnarls Barkley's 'Crazy'...Spaghetti Western shit and I think I like it better.
  19. Awesome. I'm not a douche...i'm Whitey McHiphoppants!
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